Wednesday, December 25, 2019 Essay examples - 1634 Words is an Internet company that pioneered a unique type of e-commerce known as â€Å"demand collection system†that enables consumers to use the Internet to save money on a wide range of products and services while enabling sellers to generate incremental revenue. Using a simple and compelling consumer proposition of â€Å"name your price,†the consumer is in control of the product they wish to purchase. In the form of individual customer offers guaranteed by a credit card for a particular product or service at a price set by the customer and communicate that demand directly to the participating sellers or to their private databases. The company works by allowing the consumers to agree to hold their offers open†¦show more content†¦Sales with an average of one ticket sold every 70 seconds. With its leisure airline ticket service, collects consumer demand and helps airlines fill thousands of empty seats every week on their domestic and international flights. Consumers simply tell the location, the date they want to travel, the price they’re ready to pay and the major credit card they’ll use to guarantee their request. Consumers then receive an answer from in one hour for domestic travel, or 24 hours for international travel. The â€Å"name-your-price†buying service that launched in April, sold a record 20,000 tickets online in the last six weeks. In another article titled, â€Å"After First 45 Days,’s New Car Sales Pass $2 Million Mark In New York Market Test,† launched a new car buying service in the New York metro area in July of 1998. The service enables buyers to name the exact car or truck they want, the price they want to pay and the counties they are willing to travel to in order to take delivery of their new car. However, all customers must either have their own financing or pay cash for their new cars. The financing plan is only a limit in the market test; now has a financing option that enables consumers to name their own monthly payment plan. The patented e-commerce system has attracted thousands of car buyers and has sold more than $2 million worth of new cars just 45 days after launchingShow MoreRelatedBusiness Models Of Priceline And Greentoe1629 Words  | 7 Pagesapplication is that of Priceline is one of the top ranked United States travel sites, gaining 17.5 million visitors per month and bringing in revenues of over 5 billion dollars (Laudon Traver, 2014, p. 718). Priceline is most commonly known for their travel services but also participates in automotive sales, hotel bookings, car rentals, long distance phone services, and home financing (Laudon Traver, 2014, p. 718). To use the Name Your Own Price feature on, a customer entersRead MorePriceline Or ( Pcln )825 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Priceline or (PCLN) is a travel agency that offers cruises, hotel rooms, airline tickets, vacation packages, excursions and rental cars. The company s Name Your Own Price option offers its customers an incredible proposition by allowing them to name their own price for any travel related products or services. determines the lowest price it can accept, while the customer has the discretion in the supplier selection. also provides a brand preservingRead MorePriceline.Com Marketing Analysis2151 Words  | 9 Introduction Winners don t do different things, they do things differently. Priceline changed the conventional marketing system by introducing a role reversal of the traditional seller-buyer system. Launched in 1998, Priceline, the brainchild of Jay Walker, provided lower than retail airfare options for travel enthusiasts. Priceline is the eBay of airline tickets, allowing the buyer to bid (once) for the fare. By facilitating sales below retail price via the Internet,Read MorePriceline.Com: Changing Business in the New Millennium1093 Words  | 5 Changing Business in the New Millennium Q#1: How does the internet illustrate the marketing concept in action? Answer: In marketing concept, delivering the products to the consumers according to their needs is the way to achieve organizational goal. Internet is doing this job nicely. Today, people want numerous number of products at the near of their hands. But the traditional form of marketing is no more suitable for consumer groups. That’s why they want easier to achieve ofRead MoreCan Business Model of Priceline.Com Be Saved3209 Words  | 13 Pagesmortgages. Since launching its business, has sold millions of airline tickets, hotel room nights, and rental car days. is the patented Internet pricing system that enables consumers to achieve significant savings by naming their own price for goods and services. takes consumer offers and then presents them to sellers who can fill as much of that guaranteed demand as they wish at price points determined by buyers. licenses its business model to independentRead MoreAn Online Global Hotel And Travel Business790 Words  | 4 Pagesonline global hotel and travel business that is a part of the travel industry, and it is made up of five primary brands:,,,, and They also conduct business in over 180 countries and territories in Europe, North America, South America, the Asia-Pacific Regions, the Middle East, and Africa ( Relations). The travel industry consist of businesses that sell, book, and arrange travel, tour, and accommodation services forRead MoreEssay about Financial Analy sis of Priceline2191 Words  | 9 Pagescompany headquarters is located in Connecticut (â€Å" Incorporated History†). Funding Universe, also adds that Priceline is a transactional service that offers products in two categories: a travel service that offers leisure airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, packaged vacations and cruises; and a personal finance service that markets home mortgages, refinancing and home equity loans through an independent licensee (â€Å" Incorporated History†). Priceline points out â€Å"JefferyRead MoreThe Priceline Group Is An American Based Company1578 Words  | 7 PagesLong: PCLN (Market Cap: $80.73B) 1. Summary Thesis: The Priceline Group is an American-based company that provides travel and related services to consumers and local partners. It has six primary brands:,,, KAYAK, and OpenTable. Among these brands, is the company’s main platform. Now, The Priceline Group operates in over 200 countries and areas and becomes the biggest online travel agency in the world. The total revenues of the PricelineRead MoreStock Split2405 Words  | 10 Pagesmonths. So, you end up with the same worthless stock with fewer shares. If, however, the company has substance (earnings, etc.) behind the stock, a reverse split can be a good thing. would be a good example of the company for which reverse stock split worked well in recent years. Priceline, Inc, Inc operates as an online travel company in the United States and Europe. It offers its services under the Name Your Own Price brand, which allows its customers to make offers forRead MoreBusiness Models in Ecom1049 Words  | 5 Pagesmodel: Financial services Travel services Job placement services 2 Market Creator Uses Internet technology to create markets that bring buyers and sellers together Where they can display products, search for products and establish prices (reverse austion), Service Provider Offers services online – information storage – consulting for small businesses Typically uses a transaction fee revenue model Usually a commission on sales is collected
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Grotesque Pursue Of Goodness - 2189 Words
Elena Quesada Pereda Professor Marcos Norris ENGL 290 5 May 2016 The Grotesque Pursue of Goodness in A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor â€Å"The great advantage of being a Southern writer is that we don’t have to go anywhere to look for manners; bad or good, we’ve got them in abundance. We in the South live in a society that is rich in contradiction, rich in irony, rich in contrast, and particularly rich in its speech†(Flannery O’Connor). Mary Flannery O’Connor was born in 1925 in a Catholic family in the south of the United States, particularly in Savannah (Georgia). Her Catholic inheritance influenced her writing, in such a way that the characters of her stories, which are physically and morally perverted, walk towards a theological revelation that release them from that moral and physical decadence –specially those of the story that is analyzed in this paper, â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find,†where the main characters only discover their goodness when they face death–. But far from going into existentialist digressions, her short stories are depictions of the daily life, where the reader can learn something to apply in his life. Sometimes the stories are inspired in the coarse reading of a newspaper, sometimes they seem to be a hopscotch drawn by a boy, who in his simplicity, hides the concerns of a society that is decadent and lacking in values, according to O’Connor, as stated in the initial quote. Flannery O’Connor was stuck to the past, shy and for most partShow MoreRelated The Whipping=evaluation=1200 W Essay examples1091 Words  | 5 Pageshappening again and whoever the narrator is, he is not surprised or alarmed that this is happening. The last two lines of the stanza describe the mother very well. She is shouting to the neighborhood/ her goodness and his wrongs; (3-4). Its as if she feels that by yelling her sons faults and her goodness, she is trying to justify her own wrongfulness of beating her son. She chose to shout, so that everyone would hear, almost as if she was confessing her sins. She seems to be making a show, a productionRead More The American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby1134 Words  | 5 PagesGatsby as he pursues his love, Mrs. Daisy Buchanan. Through the narrative of the gentle and levelheaded Nick, we learn to love Gatsby and to loathe those who cause his downfall. ? Gatsby turned out all right in the end; it is what preyed Gatsby, what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and short-winded elation?s of men? (Chapter 1, pg.6-7). Yet, through many understated, despicable acts, there is a light of goodness and hope: GatsbyRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde Essay1434 Words  | 6 PagesDoubleness in gothic literature often explores the duality of humanity. It asks whether there was inherent goodness and evil within a person. In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson engages with the idea of an individual being comprised of two separate entitiesâ€â€a double in one bodyâ€â€the evil Mr. Hyde and the good Dr. Jekyll. This split person of Jekyll and Hyde talks back to the optimistic ideas about humanity, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson. He writes in his address â€Å"TheRead MoreThe American Of The War On Germany1617 Words  | 7 P agesUnited States must consider the sacred and indisputable rules of international law and the universally recognized dictates of humanity, the Government of the United States is at last forced to the conclusion that there is but one course it can pursue.†â€Å"-but [it added] neutrals cannot expect that Germany, forced to fight for her existence, shall, for the sake of neutral interest, restrict the use of an effective weapon if her enemy is permitted to continue to apply at will methods of warfareRead More Bitterness, Weariness and Impotence in Hardys Tess of the dUbervilles2873 Words  | 12 Pagesand he was so godlike in her eyes; and being, though untrained, instinctively refined, her nature cried for his tutelary guidance (p. 178). Indeed, Angels tragic flaw is his hypocrisy, yet Tess doesnt look at all the facts. He was all that goodness could be knew all tht a guide, philosopher, and friend should know. She thought every line in the contour of his person the perfection of masculine beauty, his soul the soul of a saint, his intellect that of a seerÃ… as if she saw something immortalRead More The Basic Elements of Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice4010 Words  | 17 Pageseven though he is envied for his go od looks and wealth. Elizabeth takes a particular disliking to him for his haughty rudeness when he initially says that he is not interested in her at the ball. When she learns that he has advised Bingley not to pursue a relationship with Jane, she is further incensed at the man. It is not surprising, therefore, that when Darcy proposes to Elizabeth, he is turned down, especially since his offer was made in a haughty and condescending manner. ElizabethÂ’s refusal
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Pillow Method Essay Sample free essay sample
Harmonizing to Shakespear â€Å" All the world’s a phase. And average and adult females simply player†However to be a true participant you must see the phase from others perspective. The pillow method is define in the text. Looking out looking in by Ronald Adler andRusell Proctor II. as a method for understanding an issue from several positions instead than with egoistic â€Å"i’m right and you’re incorrect â€Å" attitude. The name of the theory arises from the analogy that a pillow has four sides and a in-between. merely like most issues and jobs. By looking through each side of the job and seeing each issue from each position. one should be able to happen value in another’s position. The pilow method consist of five places. The Disagreement The dissension in inquiry concerns auto pick. My brother argues that athleticss autos are far better than musculus autos because thay are designed for high velocity drive and manoeuvrability whereas I argue that normally athleticss auto have a smaller engine. We will write a custom essay sample on The Pillow Method Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page and better handling. They’re good for curves and crisp bends. A musculus auto is less about the expressions and more about acquiring the occupation done. It’s better for making high velocities at a consecutive line. It besides has a larger and more powerful engine. Rendering the Disagreement Harmonizing to the Pillow MethodI’M RIGHT. YOU’RE WRONG.Since I own a musculus auto ( Dodge charger R/T ) . It was easier for me to explicate to him why I was siding on the side of musculus autos. I was really confident that I was traveling to win this statement and rather frankly I think I did ( self-imposed prophesy ) . The text Looking out Looking in explains in chapter two that â€Å"self-imposed prognostications occur when your ain outlooks influence your behaviour. I besides knew that for me to show my instance decently I had to utilize Identity direction. The text Looking out Looking in defines Identity direction in chapter 2 as â€Å" the communicating strategies that people use to act upon how others view them. One of the biggest differences between a athleticss auto and a musculus auto is the engine. Muscle autos have large. powerful engines ; largely V8s or better that gives them the â€Å"muscle†in their name. Sports auto s. on the other manus. have smaller engines that might still be powerful. but more frequently than non less powerful than that of musculus autos. Muscle autos are associated with bold curves that merely make the autos look like their power is seeking to pouch out of the seams. Sports autos aren’t rather so ruffling. Alternatively. athleticss autos are normally made up of sleek likes that aren’t every bit muscle-like as their powerful opposite numbers. YOU’RE RIGHT. I’M WRONG. Mukailah 3At this point I decided to play the devil’s advocator by seting my ain sentiment to rest and take his point of position by using empathy. In chapter 3 of Looking out Looking in. Empathy is defined as â€Å"the ability to re-create another person’s position. to see the universe from the other’s point of view†. This was really difficult to make because I felt like I was beliing my ego and this made me look weak in his eyes. Nevertheless. I went through with it saying some facts. It took bravery and subject to carry through this. I stated to him that. For the most portion. athleticss autos were made to stand out around the corners. which is non a great topographic point for most musculus autos. Sports autos have been either Spartan or epicurean. but good handling. minimal weight. and high public presentation are obligatory. He stressed to me that Sports autos place the highest accent on the merriment factor. great manoeuvrability. superb handling. good braking. low weight. aeromechanicss. every bit good as acceleration and even though they frequently have smaller engines. they manage to be quick by their low weight and fast. agile managing. I emphasized the expensive care cost every bit good as burn more gas than athletics autos. BOTH RIGHT. BOTHvWRONG Ars frequently accelerate more rapidly than At this Juncture. I was more concerned about the similarities every bit good as the drawbacks of both autos. I started by stating him that. both classs of autos are fast and epicurean. They both have good grip and power potency. I besides impressed upon him that. since both autos are public presentation driven ; they are equipped with the most advanced high public presentation brakes. The public presentation of the interruptions about ever is better than those of other typical vehicles. We both agreed on this po int since public presentation autos are critiqued based on their ability to halt under peculiar sum of clip and distance it takes for it to halt. On the other manus. I started turn toing the common drawbacks. They both inherently require more care than their opposite numbers and besides due to the bigger engine size in both modern musculus and athleticss autos they consume/ burn gas faster. He stress understanding to both points without vacillation. I concluded this portion saying that both category of rich person could potentially pull high insurance premium and parts could be difficult to come by particularly since most of them are foreign autos. IT ISN’T IMPORTANT WHICH POSITION IS RIGHT OR WRONG This place was the easiest portion of the procedure because at this point we both knew and agreed on the common similarities and drawbacks of both classs of autos. I stressed the fact that our dissension was non that importance since most people can’t even acknowledge the difference between a athleticss and a musculus auto because they have so much in common. He so said that we could hold talked about more of import things such as investing chances. I giggle and said to him good. you know. that is what we were discoursing and for some ground we ended up reasoning about autos. At this point. I knew I was successful with the application of the pillow method. THERE IS TRUTH IN ALL FOUR PERSPECTIVES Normally when I’m involved in an statement with a individual. I tend to be angry with them when they refuse to understand or see things from my position and this in bend thrusts me to reciprocate the gesture. We automatically stumbled into this stage of the pillow method as a consequence of successful completion of stage 4. We both realized that our relationship as household is genuinely of import and to keep positiveness and regard for each other was overriding. We both recognized that each position had truth and virtues. which led to less concern for single ideas and shifted focal point to collective apprehension and via medias. At the terminal of the exercising. I told my brother O give me feedback on the statement that we had and he said. he felt that I handled it better than I usually do. I so professed to him that I was practising the pillow method on him. We both agreed on how this method gave us new penetration every bit good as develop empathy towards another person’s state of affairs. This method is a great manner to heighten effectual communicating. Work Cited 1. Ronald B. Adler and Russell F. Proctor II. Looking out Looking in 13th Edition. 2011 2. John Hartley. fast-autos. com. 2012. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. fast-autos. com 3. Benjamin. Hunting. Muscle auto or athleticss auto. 2011. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. autobytel. com/sports-cars/car-buying-guides/muscle-car-or-sports-car-8-exceptional-automobiles-that-blur-the-line-103920/
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Compare and Contrast Validity Essay Example
Compare and Contrast Validity Essay Compare and Contrast Validity Validity refers to the extent at which a study is able measure what it is intended to measure. The titles of the two articles, â€Å"Health: Why stress may be good for you†and â€Å"Exploring Stress and Coping among Urban African American Adolescents: The Shifting the Lens Study†are designed to catch the attention of the reader (Carmichael, 2009). The first article is from a popular resource, Newsweek while the second one is a peer-reviewed article from a public health research. By convincing the target reader that they should read the article, both statements show validity. However, the title of the peer-reviewed article main objective is to acquire the reader’s attention on its usefulness, rather than being interesting. The popular resource article immediately catches the reader’s attention. The article talks of stress and its advantages. Both titles keep the reader enticed. We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast Validity specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast Validity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast Validity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Conclusion There are three measures of stress. They include novel, the unpredictability of an event or situation, lack of control in a person and for a situation. Both peer reviewed articles and popular resources describe stress as the feeling that a person gets when they are overwhelmed or have to deal with rare extremes. When a person is under stress, the body gives a response similar to one it would give when a person is in danger. Hormones that speed up the rate at which the heart pumps blood, are released by the body. In these, a person breathes in a faster rate than normally, hence increasing the amount of energy in the person. This is known as the fight response of stress.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
ANgelo Rebelo essays
ANgelo Rebelo essays On December 7, 1941 the Japanese launched a sneak attack on Pearl Habor. This attack on the United States Pacific Fleet was a total tactical success. The Japanese, using 360 planes and midgit submarines, were able to sink the USS Arizona, USS California, USS Maryland, USS Oklahoma, USS Pesilvania, USS Tennessee, and the USS Utha. They also destroyed Hickman Feild, the US air base on Hawaii. The result of this attack was a declaration of war on Germany, Italy, and Japan by the United States. It also had an effect on the Japanese-Americans living on the West Coast. American citizens had property taken away and were encarrsirated by their fellow citizens with executive order 9066. Even through this racist act many Japanese-Americans.volenteered for service in the United States Army. It was the 442nd combat regiment, "Go for Broke". This unit was given the derogatory name of Nisei. Yet, "Thos Japanese-Americans who... fought in the United States Army compiled a superb record for courage and endurance" (Sulzberger, 149). Just because Japanese-Americans were allowed to enter the armed services they did not escape racism. During the campiagn in France, the 442nd could have been the first combat regiment to enter Paris. They were ordered to to wait at the side of the rode to allow white combat units to pass them. They became the last unit to enter Pairis. This racist ideaof them was even present in the enemy. "One of the puzzeled and astonished Germans asked an American Lieutenant, 'But aren't those Japanese?' 'Yes,' said the Lieutenant, 'Didin't you know they were on our side? or do you believe all that stuff Goebbels tells you?'" (Sulzberger, 149) Racism was also shown in other ways during combat action. In Italy the 442nd was used as cannon foder. They were to make a third assult on Monte Cassino. This would be accompanied by a beach head landingin Anzio. "In an attempt to break the ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Tellurium Facts - Periodic Table of the Elements
Tellurium Facts - Periodic Table of the Elements Periodic Table of the Elements Tellurium Basic Facts Symbol: Te Atomic Number: 52 Atomic Weight: 127.6 Electron Configuration: [Kr] 4d10 5s2 5p4 Element Classification: Semimetallic Discovery: Franz Joseph Meller von Reichenstein 1782 (Romania) Name Origin: Latin: tellus (earth). Tellurium Physical Data Density (g/cc): 6.24 Melting Point (K): 722.7 Boiling Point (K): 1263 Appearance: silvery-white, brittle semimetal Atomic Radius (pm): 160 Atomic Volume (cc/mol): 20.5 Covalent Radius (pm): 136 Ionic Radius: 56 (6e) 211 (-2e) Specific Heat (20 °C J/g mol): 0.201 Fusion Heat (kJ/mol): 17.91 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol): 49.8 Pauling Negativity Number: 2.1 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol): 869.0 Oxidation States: 6, 4, 2 Lattice Structure: Hexagonal Lattice Constant (Ã…): 4.450 Lattice C/A Ratio: 1.330 References: Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001), Crescent Chemical Company (2001), Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952), CRC Handbook of Chemistry Physics (18th Ed.) Return to the Periodic Table Chemistry Encyclopedia
Thursday, November 21, 2019
IMPERFECT COMPETITION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
IMPERFECT COMPETITION - Essay Example Generally, an imperfect competition market can be described as a market setting where the products sold are highly differentiated. In essence, in order to survive in an imperfect market, a firm has to develop unique survival techniques to avoid suffering losses and losing customers loyalty. Apparently, the fast food industry has become quite competitive in the modern times (Schlosser, 2012). In response to the increased competition, firms operating in fast foods industry have come up with distinguished survival strategies to enhance continuity in business. Some of the survival techniques that have been adopted by firms in the fast food industry include product differentiation, brand building and diversity in product promotion. In this regard, it can be observed that the tropical Smoothie Cafà © operates in an imperfect competition market. The price of products offered in an imperfect competition has insignificant influence on demand. Basically, customers in an imperfective competition market are more sensitive on product brand than price. Tropical Smoothie Cafà © has established unique marketing strategies that are rarely known by its competitors. Some of the major competitors of the firm include McDonalds, Starbucks and Burger King. Since the firm operates in an imperfect competition market, the most appropriate means of achieving market power is through establishment of a strong brand name (Manning, 2013). In essence, a strong brand name aids in winning customers loyalty and maintaining them for long. Actually, the firm should emphasis on brand imaging through advertisements and product promotion. In addition, the company should consider offering discounts to its customers to promote sales as well as customer loyalty. The government efforts to regulate business operation can either result in positive or negative outcome to a business concern. The issues of patent
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Nursing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8
Nursing - Assignment Example Emphasis is given on the need for the involvement of the government for the improvement of quality of healthcare services provided across Nigeria. The introduction of an effective healthcare system could help, according to Riman & Akpan (2012), to achieve the above target. The issue explored in the study of Riman & Akpan (2012) can be characterized as quite important. In fact, the lack of adequate funds has been, traditionally, a reason for failures in the delivery of healthcare services worldwide. The study of Riman & Akpan (2012) can be also used for identifying potential methods for keeping the quality of healthcare services in areas where the access to financing is problematic. The study of Riman & Akpan is well structured, at the level that subtitles have been used for making the content more coherent. At the same time, literature has been combined with empirical research in order to offer more accurate explanations in regard to its subject. It should be also noted that all aspects of the issue under examination are presented in detail helping the reader to understand the current status of healthcare financing in Nigeria and its effects on the quality of the country’s healthcare services. The resources used in the study have been carefully chosen, incorporating literature related to the study’s subject. As for the empirical research, this is based on a survey conducted among a particular category of the population, i.e. ‘women in child bearing age who already have a child’ (Riman & Akpan 2012, p.296). This means that the results of the survey can be used for understanding the performance of the country’s healthcare system in regard to a specific group of people. In the context of the research methods described above, the author’s conclusions can be characterized as legitimate, showing the relationship between healthcare financing and the quality of healthcare
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Empirical Literature Article Review of Leadership Ethics Essay Example for Free
Empirical Literature Article Review of Leadership Ethics Essay The opportunity to evaluate original research serves as one of the many foundations to both scholarly writing and research (Grand Canyon University, 2013). Therefore, to enhance this process I will critique empirical research articles for the purpose of demonstrating the effectiveness in understanding leadership ethics. So, using the literature presented within in the works of â€Å"Predictors of Ethical Code Use and Ethical Tolerance in the Public Sector†by Neal Ashkanasy, Sarah Falkus, and Victor Callan along with â€Å"Advancing Ethics in Public Organizations: The Impact of an Ethics Program on Employees’ Perceptions and Behaviors in a Regional Council†by Itai Beeri, Rachel Dayan, Eran Vigoda-Gadot, and Simcha Werner, and finally, â€Å" An Empirical Study of Leader Ethical Values, Transformational and Transactional Leadership, and Follower Attitudes Toward Corporate Social Responsibility†by Kevin Groves and Michael LaRocca comparisons will be made on the relevance and need for research purposes. In comparison, the authors of each study utilize ethical behaviors for the purpose of comparing relationships, perceptions, and beliefs associated with measures of ethical practice. Furthermore, reasonable justification for conducting the research presented in each study is outlined as evidence from the posed research questions and is validated within the results of each piece of literature reviewed. Posed Research Questions Relating the Authors in the Comparison Similarly, the literature within each study focused on ethical practice and how it used to enhance behavior of individuals within organizations. However, assertions within the scope of the posed research questions present relevant generalizations for each study. For example, Ashkanasy, Falkus, and Callan (2000) focused on variables that formulated predictive roles of organizational, individual, group, and contextual levels for utilizing formal codes of conduct. These variables were developed to serve as predictors of ethical tolerance as a result of formal code use. Whereas, organizational commitment (OC), organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and quality of work life (QWL) are the basis in which Beeri, Dayan, Vigoda-Gadot, and Werner (2013) perceive positive relationships are built as ethical resources are generated. Hence, these three areas promote awareness of ethical leadership and decision making in addition to the ethics code. Further, Groves and LaRocca (2011) incorporate the notion of corporate social responsibility by modeling both transformational and transactional leadership styles. Here, the idea is leaders with deontological values of ethics will be perceived as modeling transformational leadership, while leaders with teleological values of ethics are perceived as modeling transactional leadership (Groves et al. , 2011). Although each study assessed various ethical practices, each displays similarities in presenting study results as a means of validating posed questions of research. Sample Populations The results recorded from evaluations used in the sample populations’ highlighted evidence relevant to that of measures needed to verify theory associated with ethical practice. Hence, each study presented the results through a form of statistical analysis in which various test groups within the field of research were used. Moreover, similar methods were incorporated to assess the results of the respondents within all three studies. Ashkanasy, Falkus, and Callan’s Approach This evaluation involved mailed questionnaires to public sector employees in one State of Australia. The principal method of conducting this study was based on hierarchical regression, and addressed several factors such as: demographic measures, personal ethical values and attitudes, context and group-level variables, and organizational practices (pg. 245, 2000). Given the basis of evidence Ashkanasy, Falkus, and Callan (2000) used this method of analysis to assert that ethical decisions are more likely to be influenced by employees, versus the effect of group and individual variables. Beeri, Dayan, Vigoda-Gadot, and Werner’s Approach In lieu of the goal to test the relationships between ethics and performance within governments locally, Beeri et al. , (2013) used questionnaires to evaluate the long term effects of an ethics program on employees’ perceptions, and the behavior in one council of an Israeli region. This as a result, stems from awareness of ethical codes, and inclusion of employees in the ethical decision making process. Groves and LaRocca’s Approach Groves and LaRocca (2011) utilized voluntary community-based leadership programs that targeted educational values on ethics. The leaders of these community based programs were emailed a link with instructions for participation with an online questionnaire. The assumption here was that training on both transformational and transactional leadership, in addition to ethical decision making and CSR would now be implemented. Results Analysis All in all, the results displayed by the analysis of each study correspond to the overall effort of the posed research. For example, supported results aligned with study hypotheses, but signified that certain mechanisms underlie the criterion for each of the tested variables on different levels according to Ashkanasy, Falkus, and Callan (2000). Whereas, Beeri et al. , (2013) report a greater awareness in ethical codes and decision making along with increased organizational commitment is achieved as a result of positive ethical leadership. And finally, Groves and LaRocca (2011) correlated their findings with the original prediction that transformational leadership alone was aligned with the beliefs of followers in view of the corporate social responsibility of stakeholders. Conclusion Study Limitations of Articles To fully appreciate the level of understanding needed to evaluate literature of empirical research, a description of the methodology, research questions and an analysis of results must be presented to determine the validity of the overall analysis. And as such, each study discussed within the contents of this paper has been successful in delivering on all areas to support research efforts. However, there were areas that pose limitations to future research efforts for all three studies. For example, the use of questionnaires may not represent a true assessment of the respondent’s beliefs (Ashkanasy et al. , 2000). Also, issues surrounding anonymity can urface when responding to questions concerning ethical climate (Beeri et al. , 2013). And further, influences set by both common source and common method can stimulate bias in lieu of follower values of CSR (Groves LaRocca, 2011). For future development of the practice The results yield an overall influence within organizations that build on variables to increase ethical standards. However, there are yet underlying issues for democratic organizations that stress the importance of ethics, integrity, and fairness (Beeri et al. , 2013). And recommendations for further study are necessary to promote the continuous effort of influencing follower perceptions toward ethical commitments.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Theme Of Grapes Of Wrath Essay -- essays research papers
The Journey Theme of The Grapes of Wrath      In the Classic novel The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck displays in his writing many different and interconnected themes. The main idea of the novel can be interpreted many different ways through many of the different actions and characters throughout the novel. In the first chapter of the novel, Steinbeck describes the dust bowl and foreshadows the theme:      The men came were silent and they did not move often. And the women      came out of the houses to stand beside their men-to feel whether this      time the men would break. As a theme, Steinbeck wanted the reader to see that humanity is on a journey, and for good or bad humanity continues to move ahead. Along with journey come changes, another important idea in the novel, which correlates directly with the main theme.      Journey is the main idea in the beginning of the novel when Tom Joad first gets out of prison and is looking for a ride home. Walking home he spots a turtle. Lying on the highway, missed by a car, hit by a truck, the turtle still struggles to continue his own journey towards the southwest. So already in the novel, two journeys are taking place, one a man’s journey and the other, nature’s journey.      Change is evident as an idea in the novel when Tom is reunited with his childhood preache...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Mad Woman in the Attic
In the character of Jane Eyre, Victorian-era women found a relatable everywoman who has been viewed by some as an emblem of early feminist characterizations. An orphaned and self-sufficient woman, moving forward in her life alone, first by abandonment and then by choice, she finds love in Mr. Rochester. However, in a disturbing turn of events she finds he is already married to a mad woman who resides in the attic of Thornfield unbeknownst to Jane and the general public. Fleeing the deceit of Rochester and the fracturing of her dreams of a familial happiness, she finds her own way with the same determination.When her own fortune turns for the better and Rochester’s to the worst she once more embraces him. All makes for a very dramatic and socially telling example of the Gothic novel but what of the madwoman in the attic? Rochester’s insane Bertha, heard only through maniacal laughter and an eerie presence? She creeps around the peripheral of Bronte’s masterpiece a nd though her importance as a device to provide an obstacle in Jane’s otherwise seemingly paradisiacal future cannot be undermined, as a character she is shallow.What little information that is gleaned about the woman is through the biased lips of Rochester. With Jean Rhys’ Wide Sargasso Sea Bertha reverts to Antoinette, a young white West Indian Creole haunted and troubled by her family’s past and trying to come to terms with her identity of being the colonizer and the colonized or rather as critic Elaine Savory has called this struggle, â€Å"Antoinette’s dual location as oppressor and oppressed†(134). Married to young Edward Rochester, a nameless man in Rhys’ version, her essential self begins to deteriorate under the pressures of gossip and alienation within her marriage.Through the three parts of the novel, Rhys attempts to tell the story behind the story; her tale weaving between the blanks in Bronte’s Jane Eyre to give voice t o Antoinette. With Rhys tale, the reader gains insight into the complexities of human relationships based on greed and the effects of the colonial structure on not only the oppressed but also the oppressor. Bronte’s tale of romance is contrasted and given more depth with Rhys examination of the debasement and enslavement of Antoinette by colonial society, a conquering husband, and the prison of her mind.Rochester is also recast, young and full of doubt and anger; in Rhys depiction we can see in him the strange and dark middle-aged man of Jane Eyre. In the similar backgrounds of Jane and Antoinette, the reader can see an overlapping of these two characters into a single woman both taking different paths but holding the hand of the same man. One thrown into hell and the other finding her salvation. With overlapping motifs and characters, Wide Sargasso Sea and Jane Eyre become complimentary pieces each lending meaning to the other.The chronology of the novels, both individually and taken as complimentary texts, is interesting in respect to the placement of the characters within their individual societies. In Charlotte’s Bronte’s Jane Eyre, Jane’s narrative follows a generally linear path from when the reader first meets her as a ward of the Reed’s to her eventual reunion with Mr. Rochester. Jane’s life is enmeshed in the social protocol of her time and dependent on the whim of others, she is thrown away only to find her strength and singularity in hardship.Her story is largely peopled with Rochester and the other persons residing at Thornfield, while Wide Sargasso Sea provides a frame around and through Jane’s tale using only relevant characters from the original text. The three parts of Rhys’ book are positioned around and throughout Jane Eyre’s chronology of events. Middle-aged when he meets Jane, Rochester is only a young man in Wide Sargasso Sea whose still living brother and father have cast thei r net (Edward) to the islands of the West Indies to see what riches they can attain.Antoinette and Edward Rochester’s story, in respect to Jane Eyre, takes place largely before Jane was born except for the third part which commences in the fire at Thornfield. The three parts of Rhys’ book are divided between Antoinette’s early life and childhood, Rochester‘s story, and Antoinette’s rambling from her attic prison. The first allows for an understanding of the characters of Antoinette and Rochester as products and victims of imperialism.With the Emancipation came an end to slavery but also brought a new era of profiteering and exploitation. At the center is Antoinette, her family having lost everything with the emancipation including the little respect and social placement they had once held. Her mother’s marriage to Mr. Mason provided little reprieve as the seeds of hate had been heartily sown. However, Mr. Mason presented a new context for the hatred directed at Annette and Antoinette, a role that briefly would be overtaken by Richard Mason and finally in Edward Rochester.As Veronica Marie Gregg notes, â€Å"Mr. Mason represents a new breed of English merchants and imperialists who still seek to dominate the economic life of the colonies and to coerce the labor force into working to ensure their wealth, even after plantation slavery has formally ended†(91). The people know of his wealth and are not ignorant to profits he has made from the collapse of the system of slavery which left them third class citizens and deeply impoverished despite their freedom.With her marriage to Rochester, which is told in the second part and picks up a short time after her own first part ends, Antoinette discovers her own uncertain place not only in the limited society of the West Indies that she will always belong to while never really belonging but also in the eyes of her opportunistic husband. In part two, Rhys lays the groundwork for Antoinette’s later complete deterioration by showing the hatred and distrust of Rochester. Almost the whole of Jane Eyre could fit in the gap in years that is seen between parts two and three.Jane is born, orphaned, cast aside, educated all within this space. Antoinette’s jumbled narrative in part three illustrates the effects of Rochester’s hatred and indifference, and the maddening effect of her imprisonment. There is no mention of Jane as Antoinette’s world does not exist outside the small room that is her prison. The house around her is an unreal concept and its inhabitants figure little into her life as her struggle has now become completely internalized.As Elaine Savory explains in examining the lack of Antoinette’s grip on the reality of her prison, â€Å"An absence of attachment can be so severe that it makes the place seem unreal, as in the case of the house in England in which Antoinette is imprisoned†(Savory 142). Though we don’t see or hear of Jane in Rhys’ text, in taking Jane Eyre as the complimentary text it is a given that Jane is in the background of this third part just as Bertha/Antoinette exists largely outside Jane’s own tale.The two texts can easily be interwoven to provide insight where once there was none but the question remains if this was Rhys’s true intention. In both stories, we see signifiers of the times. In Wide Sargasso Sea, the story takes place within the context of the West Indies in the 1830s and 1840s, following the Emancipation Act in 1833 (Gregg 83). In Jane Eyre, the signifiers are more subtle but still present. Towards the ending of Jane Eyre, Jane is given the newly published book Marmion which was published in 1808 (83).By this relation of dates, the two texts cannot be connected chronologically because according to the dating of the stories, Antoinette, the first Mrs. Rochester, would have not even been born when Jane, the second Mrs. Roches ter, is hearing her laughing like a loon from the attic. These subtle differences in dates call to question Rhys decision to relocate the overall tale decades into the future and the intention of these discrepancies. Her intention appears to be not to change the eventual story of Jane Eyre but rather to provide a different context for the reading of Wide Sargasso Sea.Rhys was fully aware of the problems in depicting her Antoinette within the context of Bronte’s mad Bertha, The West Indies was †¦ rich in those days for those days †¦ The girls [West Indian Creole women who married Englishmen] †¦ would soon once in kind England be Address Unknown. So gossip. So a legend. If Charlotte Bronte took her horrible Bertha from this legend I have the right to take lost Antoinette. And, how to reconcile the two and fix dates I do not know  yet. But, I will†(qtd. In Gregg 83).Rhys redefines Antoinette’s basic struggle through this relocation in time, f raming the tale within a context, that as Veronica Marie Gregg notes, â€Å"seeks to articulate the subjective and locational identity of the West Indian Creole of the post slavery period†(83). Antoinette’s madness then becomes not a hereditary trait aggravated by alcoholism and promiscuity but a result of historical and social distinctions defining her as an Other, â€Å"Not quite English and not quite â€Å"native,†Rhys’s Creole woman straddles the embattled divide between human and savage, core and periphery, self and other†(Ciolkowski 340).That history supports this characterization is no accident, Rhys used the â€Å"legend†loosely applied to Jane Eyre by Bronte and expanded it to the exploration of a single woman. As Rhys noted in a letter to a friend, â€Å"very wealthy planters did exist their daughters had very large dowries, there was no married woman’s property act. So, a young man who was not too scrupulous could do ve ry well for himself and very easily. He would marry the girl, grab her money, bring her to England [†¦] and in a year she would be [†¦] mad†(qtd.In Gregg 84). While Bronte chose to use class and gender as a center for her story of Jane, Rhys uses the characters of Antoinette and Edward Rochester to illustrate the broader effects of colonialism. Antoinette is the primary character explored and expanded upon in Wide Sargasso Sea, it is her character that spurned Rhys to write the text. Rhys notes in a letter to Selma Vas Diaz in 1958, â€Å"The Creole in Charlotte Bronte’s novel is a lay figure – repulsive which does not matter, and not once alive which does.She’s necessary to the plot, but always she shrieks, howls, laughs horribly, attacks all and sundry – off stage. For me †¦ she must be right on stage†(qtd. In Gregg 82). In Bronte’s text, Antoinette is Bertha, and is as Rhys notes a shallow character revealed more fo r her usefulness in the larger context of Jane’s life decisions than an independent character with distinct traits and history. The little information we learn about Bertha in Jane Eyre is through the dialogue of Edward Rochester and Jane’s visual and auditory perceptions.In Wide Sargasso Sea, the story of Antoinette’s early life and circumstances are explored so that we can more fully understand the events which led to her eventual decline into insanity while also viewing the larger concept of cultural disintegration. The novel begins with the first part of Antoinette’s story and the stage is immediately set to show the class and racial issues particular to their experience of post emancipation and the new intrusiveness of colonialism, â€Å"They say when trouble comes close ranks, and so the white people did.But we were not in their ranks†(Rhys 17). From the onset, Rhys establishes Antoinette as an outsider. Though she is white, she and her fami ly are not considered part of white society due to her mother’s French Creole heritage. In Rhys delving into the depths of Bertha’s logic in madness and destructiveness, we find the reasons behind the shrieks and moans and fire that burns through Thornfield in Bronte’s rendition. The crazy mother Rochester describes to Jane as the root of Bertha’s own illness is rendered as a broken and ostracized woman in her inherited homeland.After the death of her husband and fall of the old plantation system, Annette Cosway is not only left to raise her two children alone but is kept separate from the support of the white class system which views her as an outsider, â€Å"part of the hostility toward Annette stems from her being a French West Indian Woman in a British West Indian colony. This alludes to the centuries-long feud between the French and the English in the Eastern Caribbean†(Gregg 85). Unlike the British West Indian women, Annette came from Martin ique as a trophy wife for old Mr.Cosway. It is not so much his death that she mourns in the first section of the Wide Sargasso Sea but instead the end of the society that he represented. The collapse of this society rewrote the rules of race relations and class distinctions, since as Gregg explains â€Å"The racial superiority of the whites depends upon the economic ascendancy achieved by unpaid black labor. Without money, Antoinette’s family become niggers, isolated from the rest of white society†(89).Antoinette excuses her mother’s preoccupation with this change because of her youth and inexperience with a world that was any different than the established plantation society, â€Å"She was young. How could she not try for all the things that had gone so suddenly, so without warning†(Rhys 18). However, while Antoinette is able to find reason in her mother’s psychological collapse, it gives the community outside of the walls of Coulibiri a chance to begin talking.It is here that we see the beginning seeds of the gossip of madness that would later reach Rochester’s ears via Daniel Cosway. It was not only Annette who was effected by the West Indian constructs of race and class, before the Emancipation and after but also all those touched by the enterprises comprising the economic structure, â€Å"All human relationships are marked by slavery and the plantation society, and all are constructed, for the most part, within these parameters.Christophine, we are reminded, was a wedding gift to Annette†(Gregg 86). †In this world, people are property, to be bought and sold, to be tied irreparably to their oppressors even when that oppressor is themselves. Annette’s isolation is partly her own, she keeps herself sequestered and silent from the abuse that is hurled and directed at her family from the blacks and whites. Black society is much more forward in their feelings, while white society speaks softly an d when they think no one is listening.Antoinette sensed the animosity from the whites and was confronted daily with that of the blacks, â€Å"I never looked at any strange negro. They hated us. They called us white cockroaches†(Rhys 23). Elaine Savory in her examination of the politics of a racially charged society observes, â€Å"Displacement is a strong theme in the novel in relation to major characters such as Antoinette, her husband and Christophe [†¦. ] But substantial displacement across racial and class lines severely affects coherent self-definition.Antoinette finds herself called white cockroach by black people, yet she has no place in white culture either†(139). †At the center of Antoinette’s feelings of alienation is not only her relations with the other locals but also the lack of love she feels from her mother, â€Å"Rhys establishes a world in which everything rests on problematic and strained relationships: between people of differe nt nationalities, race, languages, classes, against which the struggle to maintain connection even within a family can seem puny and defeated†(Savory 136).Annette is distant from her daughter as she turns away from the outside world in the decaying of Coulibiri and she remains at a remove even as she shows more interest in Antoinette imminent social position or lack thereof. First exposed to the renewed society, Antoinette’s shabby dress makes her consciously aware of only her mother’s judging eyes, â€Å"All that evening my mother didn’t speak to me or look at me and I thought ‘She is ashamed of me’†(Rhys 26). The judgment Antoinette feels from her mother seems, in light of her later fate, more a look of calculated understanding.Annette understood from firsthand knowledge the path her daughter’s life would inevitably take, â€Å"Both women’s marriages are based on the economy of the slavery and post slavery societies, w ith their bodies as a site of negotiation in this economy†(Gregg 97). The shame Antoinette imagines in her mother’s eyes is really the cool assessment knowing that her daughter will be judged as property, enslaved in marriage. The fire at Coulibiri provides a closure to Antoinette’s jaded childhood, â€Å"When they had finished, there would be nothing left but blackened walls and the mounting stone.That was always left†(Rhys 45). The â€Å"they†in Antoinette’s narrative is the disenfranchised and angry black mob aggravated by the new elevation of their previous oppressors and a fear over the loss of work with the importation of foreign and indentured labor. As Veronica Marie Gregg explains, This intensely charged episode [†¦] emblematizes the post slavery disputes about labor conditions between the plutocracy and the working people in the West Indies.In this historical moment, the ruling class, in order to secure its socioeconomic pos ition and to control labor, sees punitive and coercive measures such as immigration and Asian indentureship as a viable response to the â€Å"laziness†of the African people. The freedpersons respond with material violence as part of their viable means of struggle and resistance at this point†(Gregg 95). The individuals of the mob form into a solid image in Antoinette’s selective sight, â€Å"They all looked the same, it was the same face over and over†(Rhys 42).The episode reinforces Antoinette’s feeling of alienation and also solidifies the division between mother and daughter, as Annette finally descends completely into alcoholism and insanity. Worn out and beaten by the death of Pierre and the willful destruction of her home exemplified by her beloved parrot, she surrenders to her pain. Antoinette is at once orphaned completely, her stepfather serving on an absentee basis but still retaining guilt and thereby trying to secure Antoinetteâ€℠¢s future.It is interesting to note the similarities in the lives of Antoinette and Jane during the periods of their lives when they were both housed in charity house or convent. Both still have living relatives but find themselves living independently of familial love and guidance and both are able to develop relationships which seems, particularly in Antoinette’s case, in a much lighter tone than her previous interactions. Her friendships are far more equal, as the other young ladies at the convent are all white and themselves of upper class descendency.Like Jane Eyre who finds her first examples of friendship as a charity ward where class distinctions do not exist as there is only one class, unwanted, Antoinette finds a similar niche, where she â€Å"soon forgot about happiness†(Rhys 56) and simply lived. It seems a contradiction to find comfort where there is no happiness but for Antoinette whose life has been at the mercy of emotion, the lack of it would seem a r elief. For both women, this time period of their lives was the one in which they had the most ease. In Jane Eyre, Jane experiences few of the belittling feelings directed at her by the Reeds.After the death of Helen Burns, there is nothing else until Jane decides to leave Lowood, â€Å"I am only bound to invoke memory where I know her responses will possess some degree of interest; therefore I now pass a space of eight years almost in silence†(Bronte 77). Similarly, there is little of Antoinette’s life except the convent where â€Å"Everything was brightness, or dark†(Rhys 57). There is a difference though in their views of their time spent secluded from the outside world. For Jane, Lowood is a temporary stop, a school and a home. For Antoinette the convent provides a solution to the outside world and not simply a new home.In the predictability she has found solace, if not happiness, in the mundane routines. However, Antoinette knows that the refuge she has be en allowed in the convent is only temporary, sensing the fate her mother had seen in her from the day she was born a girl. She is not only a daughter to Mr. Mason or a sister to Richard Mason, she is an asset with her beauty and upper class distinction. In her final meeting with Mr. Mason at the convent, she senses her future and is frightened anew, It may have been the way he smiled, but again a feeling of dismay, sadness, loss, almost choked me [†¦] It was like that morning when I found the dead horse.Say nothing and it may not be true [†¦] The girls were very curious but I would not answer their questions and for the first time I resented the nuns’ cheerful faces. They are safe. How can they know what it can be like outside? (59). She has learned from the example of her mother that the security Mr. Mason envisions for her is not a security against the uncertainties and animosities of the outside world she has so far experienced. As a sensitive child, she ascertai ned what it was to belong to the upper class, and knows that despite marriage or perceived respectability she will always be at the mercy of another‘s will.As a woman she is destined for either the convent or marriage, understanding what marriage will mean she prefers the convent. While later she fights against the imprisonment of Rochester, it seems only because she has come to an understanding of a third alternative which is freedom from either, first hinted at by her Aunt Cora. That Antoinette only realizes her freedom through her own death brings her initial fear full circle, â€Å"Her fortune and her beauty make her a prized possession for him, an easy way to acquire his status as an â€Å"independent†gentleman†(Kendrik 236).When he realizes that he cannot attain this status through Antoinette he turns against her. The embodiment of Antoinette’s fear lies in Edward Rochester, seemingly different from Bronte’s romantic hero but really an exten sion of his character, â€Å"not so much a wholesale revision of Bronte’s existing creation as a reillumination and reemphasization of aspects that are present, though perhaps not stressed, in the Rochester of Jane Eyre†(Kendrik 239).Unlike Antoinette, he plays an integral part in both Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea. Bronte’s Rochester is a middle-aged man, cynical and lacking the attractiveness that would usually be found in a romantic hero. It is this lack of attractiveness that allows Jane to feel proper in first speaking with him, â€Å"Had he been a handsome, heroic looking young gentleman, I should not have dared to stand thus questioning him against his will, and offering my services unasked†(Bronte 105).With Jane, Rochester is proud, jaded, inquisitive and crassly gentle; he is at once attracted to and inclined to suppress her independent streak but â€Å"Jane’s ambiguous class status as a Governess prevents her from being an adequate m irror for Edward†(Kendrik 240). They are able to overcome this class distinction only through Rochester’s loss of property and face and Jane’s own inheritance. The largest distinctions between the Rhys and Bronte’s Edward Rochester lies in experience and the women of their lives.With Jane, Bronte’s Rochester has a puritanically astute woman whose will largely matches his own strength of character but whose properness largely outweighs any true acts of rebellion. As Terry Eagleton notes in his Marxist exploration of Jane Eyre, Bronte’s â€Å"protagonists are an extraordinary contradictory amalgam of smouldering rebelliousness and prim conventionalism, gushing Romantic fantasy and canny hard-headedness, quivering sensitivity, and blunt rationality. It is, in fact, a contradiction closely related to their roles as governesses or private tutors†(Eagleton 30).Jane’s contradictions are largely predictable, Antoinette’s he dis covers are not of any kind he has known. Rhys turns back the clock on middle-aged Rochester to reveal the personality and actions of a much younger, much angrier man. As Elaine Savory explains, Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea â€Å"not only privileges the Caribbean but does a great deal to move Rochester out of the realm of the Gothic romance and explain his capacity for cruelty†(133). In part two of Rhys’s text Rochester is left intentionally nameless (Rhys qtd.In Gregg 100), as Gregg explains, â€Å"His entrance in the novel is a beginning with no introduction [†¦] no thematic preparation or signal to the reader. This is an inscription of the structural origins of the narrative and history of imperial Europe, which designates the West Indies as a blank space on which to inscribe the desires of European man†(100). From the onset his acquiring of Antoinette is that of the conqueror, their marriage is no love story but an arrangement made between Richard M ason and Rochester’s father and brother.Given this understanding, the opening lines of part two, which could be read as a description of courtship take on a darker meaning, â€Å"So it was all over, the advance and retreat, the doubts and hesitations†(Rhys 65). In these lines we see not the mild flirtations of two young people but rather a hunter tracking its prey. In the beginning of their marriage it is notable that Rochester was not always seemingly against Antoinette but at first envisioned a real future with her despite her appearance of foreignness. On the road to Granbois he observes, â€Å"She smiled at me.It was the first time I had seen her smile simply and naturally. Or perhaps it was the first time I had felt simple and natural with her [†¦] Looking up smiling, she might have been any pretty English girl†(Rhys 71). He attempts to draw parallels between the alien West Indian landscape and his own country, â€Å"Next time she spoke she said, â⠂¬ËœThe earth is red here, do you notice? ’/ ‘It’s red in parts of England too’†(Rhys 71). By drawing this comparison he is at once dismissing Antoinette but also trying to locate himself within the larger world he finds himself.Though it is not addressed, it is most likely that young Rochester has little experience with the world outside of England and no concept from which to draw on in the landscape and people that he now finds himself surrounded by. He is deeply aware of the fact that his betrothal was not his own choice but is nonetheless pleased from a collector’s standpoint in the beauty and seeming malleability of his new wife, â€Å"She spoke hesitantly as if she expected me to refuse, so it was easy to do so†(Rhys 67). He asserts his dominance, even as the circumstances of his being â€Å"bought†undermine any goodwill.Even from the beginning his feelings are unstable, â€Å"I have sold my soul or you have sold it, a nd after all is it such a bad bargain? The girl is thought to be beautiful, she is beautiful. And yet †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (70). There is no chance for happiness to grow from this doubt because even as Rochester moves forward he holds himself back out of a sense of Englishness, â€Å"in Wide Sargasso Sea he is the immediate manifestation and enforcer of the network of patriarchal codes (sexism, colonialism, the English Law, and the â€Å"law†which demarcates and creates sanity and insanity)†(Kendrik 235).Antoinette does not fit into the definition of any discourse Rochester understands and is therefore permanently located outside of Rochester’s feelings of self. During this beginning section of part two, we see one of Rhys subtle correlation to Bronte’s Jane Eyre. It is with this and other small concessions that Rhys connects the two texts in more than simply character names and geography. In his first days at Granbois, Rochester sits on the veranda with Anto inette making observations on the wilderness around them, in particular taking notice of a moth alighting by their candle,A large moth, so large that I thought it was a bird, blundered into one of the candles, put it out and fell to the floor. [†¦] I took the beautiful creature up in my handkerchief and put it on the railing. For a moment it was still and by the dim candlelight I could see the soft brilliant colours, the intricate pattern on the wings. I shook the handkerchief gently and it flew away (Rhys 81).In Jane Eyre, Bronte’s Rochester while on a walk with Jane draws her attention to a moth’s wings, â€Å"’Look at his wings,†he said, ‘he reminds me rather of a West Indian insect; one does not often see so large and gay a night-rover in England’†(Bronte 220). By including details on the moth in her telling of Rochester’s early life, Rhys draws a subtle thread connecting the older and the younger experience and memori es. He becomes a continuous character, present in both manifestations. Though the West Indian landscape harbors fond memories, it also embodies Rochester’s doubts and growing hostility towards Antoinette.In the brilliantly colored flowers and trees, the exotic scents, and unknown regions of the island‘s geography, Rochester finds a metaphor for his new wife’s inaccessibility, â€Å"he has come to hate this landscape, because it signifies his wife and his failure to reach her, even to overpower or control her†(Savory 144). Like Antoinette, he cannot deny its beauty but also like his wife he cannot reconcile this type of beauty with his previous experience and knowledge, â€Å"It was a beautiful place – wild, untouched, above all untouched, with an alien, disturbing, secret.I’d find myself thinking, ‘What I see is nothing – I want what it hides – that is not nothing†(Rhys 87). In describing Antoinette, he is similar ly disturbed, â€Å"She never blinks at all it seems to me. Long, sad, dark alien eyes. Creole of pure English descent she may be, but they are not English or European either†(Rhys 67). He finds himself as unable to penetrate the unknown about her as he is the landscape. In his lust for Antoinette he makes his only connection and breaks down the barrier with which she has sought to protect herself, â€Å"Very soon she was as eager for what’s called loving as I was – more lost and drowned afterwards†(Rhys 92).Like Jane when questioning Rochester on how he will feel about her independence after the newness of the marriage has worn off, Antoinette is beset with doubts on her husband’s true feelings toward her, â€Å"If one day you didn’t wish it. What should I do then? Suppose you took this happiness away when I wasn’t looking†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬ (Rhys 92). In this exchange Rhys draws another connection between the past and the futur e Edward Rochester. His similar conversation with Jane, though less emotionally fraught than his dialogue with Antoinette, brings into question his dominance,For a little while you will perhaps be as you are now, – a very little while; and then you will turn cool; and then you will be capricious; and then you will be stern, and I shall have much ado to please you: but then you will be well used to me, you will perhaps like me again, – like me, I say, not love me. I suppose your love will effervesce in six months, or less (Bronte 229). In this conversation, Jane senses that Rochester’s love and admiration are fickle in nature, â€Å"Jane has doubts about Rochester the husband even before she learns about Bertha.In her world, she senses, even the equality of love between true minds leads to the inequalities and minor despotisms of marriage†(Moglen 82). Antoinette discovers this through her own experience with him. Though Antoinette brought wealth to the un ion, in doing so she forfeited that wealth, since by English law it becomes her husband’s alone. Resigned to this, she lets down her guard and allows herself to love and lust after the man who becomes first her tormentor and finally her jailer. Jane Eyre knows a slightly different Rochester, less inclined to passion, but still fears for her own independence in a union under English law.She knows that legally she will become the subordinate of her husband but Jane’s nature prevents her from willingly giving into this precept. Without fortune of her own, Jane does not run the same risk as Antoinette but nor does she hold to same status socially, â€Å"as a younger son of the gentry, has suffered at the hands of social convention and so like Jane has a history of deprivation; but unlike her he has achieved worldly success, buts a glamorous figure in county society, and so blends social desirability with a spice of thwarted passion and an underdog past (Eagleton 34).With this combination of traits so at odds with Jane’s own plainness it is easy to see the basis of her doubts. Just as Edward Rochester came to resent Antoinette for the society she represented and the wealth that bought, so also could he come to resent Jane for her lack of either class status or money.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Cold War
The cold war was a tense relationship between the Soviet Union and the Americans. The reason why they were fighting was because of the way their countries ran. The Soviet Union communism is a political way of thinking and an idea of how society should work and be organized. Communism is a kind of extreme socialism that says that there should not be social classes or states. Communism says that the people of any and every place in the world should all own the tools, factories, and farms that are used to produce goods and food.This social process is known as common ownership. In a communist society, there is no private property. The main differences between Socialism and Communism are that, in a Communist society, the state ceases to exist along with money, so that the people work in exchange for the things they need to live.. In America they have something called capitalism. Capitalism is an economic system in which capital and assets in the economy are controlled by the private secto r(private enterprise or ownership) and in which the eans of production are on the bases of making profit.In capitalism you make your own economic decisions with risks and you can either fail or succeed, but in socialism you stay at only one economic status, in which their is always a social safety net but at the same time you cant strive to achieve more. Both America and the Soviet Union said they were both Democratic, but they didn't believe each other so they started to argue and threats were thrown around about nuclear ware fare. NORAD is the North American Aerospace Defence Command.It's a Joint USA – Canada organization that was set up in 1958 as the North American Air Defence Command as a response to the Cold War threat from the Soviet Union. It provides for aerospace warning (for example, if enemy missiles or aircraft are headed towards North America) , protection of North American airspace Cold war Americans became increasingly suspicious of anyone with communist ties or interests, past or present, and the government Egan to take further involvement in the affairs in other nations that seemed at risk to leftist revolts. This compromised the rights and privacy of many innocent Americans, and crossed into the sovereignty of other nations. During the Cold War, America compromised it's fundamental values and at the expense of it's own citizens and in the affairs of other nations to increase tension In this era.Domestically, the United States abandoned Its value of privacy and freedom to political beliefs due to growing concern of communism at home, and Seen. Joseph McCarthy speeches as well the Interrogations through HUGH contributed to this fear. McCarthy, a Republican from Wisconsin, denounced communism and publicly accused members of the State Department and other government positions of being communists. He is quoted in his book, McCarthy: The Fight For America (1952), â€Å"A government Job is a privilege, not a right.There is no reason why men who chum with communists†¦ Who are consistently found at the time and place where disaster strikes America and success comes to international Communism, should be given positions of power.. †(Doc 5). However, McCarthy claims were false, and they were part of a publicity stunt for him to gain attention. As a Republican, he faced no communist skepticism, whereas the Democrats did, and he used this tactic to further gain support from the working class republicans.He was Impressionable upon many blue collar workers who associated liberals and communists together, and made democrats a bigger target, Although the superficial Intentions of McCarthy beliefs of keeping communists out of the government were good, they were form of hiding his true goal of ruining the reputations of other politicians. McCarthy later admitted the truth about the fraudulent claims, but damage had been done in rousing unrest and put ting other innocent politicians in negative spotlights, against integrity McCarthy was supposed to stand for as a senator.Additionally, the House Committee on Un- American Activities (HIJACK) held hearings for numerous Americans who were suspected of communist interests. Average middle class Americans to Hollywood writers in the entertainment business were interrogated about their own political beliefs and past experiences as well as those of others. Lillian Hellman, who was ailed for falling to comply with Yucca's requests, wrote this to the committee, â€Å"If I answer the committee's questions about myself†¦ L will [also] have waived my rights under the fifth amendment and could be forced legally to answer questions about others†¦ Answering about others] to save myself is, to me, inhuman and indecent to refrain from asking me to name other people†(Doc Three). Hijack's hearing policy made it difficult for Americans to withhold information, and even more, they wer e put in a situation that made them expose private information of others. Helmsman's espouse to HUGH also included a portion on how she believed that speaking about other people's involvement would be against Christian ideals as well as American tradition. Many people interrogated by HUGH felt pressured to â€Å"bear false witness†and Juxtaposing other Americans as leftist supporters to avoid contempt.HUGH led to many Americans being blacklisted, out of Jobs, or losing support as being falsely marked a communist. The basis on which HUGH was founded on, to expose communists for the protection of the American government and people and prevent uprising, resulted in something similar to a modern day witch hunt. HUGH was a mistake, as it led to unrest over a non-existent threat to the nation, at the expense of the livelihood and Jobs, privacy and sense of security, because of how it, much like McCarthy betrayed American fundamental values in this time period.Outside of the States , the United States stepped into the political affairs of foreign nations, such as Greece and Guatemala, and betrayed it's previous values of not interfering into issues abroad. The Greek Civil War was being fought between democratic and communist party supporters, and America agreed to give aid to to get against the communists. In the interest of containment, preventing the spread of communism, America believed that this was a necessary step to protect its interests to keep the Soviet Union from gaining further power.However, the Soviet Union believed that this conflict was not appropriate for the States to put their efforts towards, and that it wrongly crossed a boundary into another nation's sovereignty. The Soviet News once wrote, â€Å"Truman, indeed, failed to reckon either with the international organization or with the sovereignty of Greece†¦ We are now witnessing fresh intrusion of the U. S. A. Into the affairs of other states. American claims to leadership in interna tional affairs grow parallel with the growing appetite of the American quarters concerned†(Doc Two).From the Soviet point of view, the United States' actions were unwarranted, and are a direct result of their need for security in areas where they have no right to govern. The Soviets did not take involvement, and their point of view is a criticism of United States that can even be drawn to it's previous ideals. Washington preaching to avoid entanglement in foreign affairs, the Monroe Doctrine, and the Roosevelt corollary, all were statements that made it clear that foreign conflicts were not of their concern. But in the Cold War, this ideal changed into the containment policy and the Truman doctrine.An even more severe breach of American values during the Cold War occurred in Guatemala, where a new issue had begun. Jacob Urbane Gunman had been elected by the Guatemalan people by a large majority. Urbane was associated with Marxism, and one of the major platforms he campaigned and was elected on was land redistribution in effort to aid the poor and hungry. The land largely to be redistributed would come from the United Fruit Company (AFC), a wealthy corporation that was based in the states. There was a great amount of uncultivated land that Urbane thought could be put to better use by being given to those in dire need of it.The New York Times discussed Arbiter's power in Guatemala and plans for the redistribution, â€Å"Urbane noted that the assemble and belong in terms of ideas with which they sympathize†¦ Urbane said no one could doubt that [redistribution] of about 400,000 acres of uncultivated JIFF land meant better prospects for thousands of Guatemalan†(Doc Seven). The United States began to worry about the political and economic implications of this decision in Guatemala, and what it could mean for the economy at home and the future of communism in the Western Hemisphere.The company was worth over half a billion dollars, and many worrie d that if Guatemala fell, other Central American nations could fall to communism in a domino effect. Senator William Longer of North Dakota commented on American involvement in the situation in Guatemala describing it the situation as, â€Å"a sensitive and very grave threat to world peace, [the U. S. Acting]with such elephantine delicacy. I do not believe that the†¦ Senate [has] been adequately informed†¦ The malevolent influence of the $548 million U. F. C. N Guatemala, which some have charged is bigger than the government itself†¦ We ought to be, committed to the principle that every sovereign nation has a right to determine for itself its own form of government†(Doc Six). Lancer's belief was ignored in this situation, as America organized a intrusive coup d' ©tat that took Urbane out of power, hoping to prevent the spread of communism and keeping peace within the West. Lancer's statement held another likely reason to the American involvement, to protect the economic interest.He would have pointed a finger of blame at America for interfering with Guatemala, who defended the rights of any political practice, what the United States claimed to protect prior to the Cold War, and to alter the course of their political rule and decisions, disrespecting their sovereignty and right to self- determination. It was apparent that the United States knowingly crossed boundaries of other nations' freedoms to protect it's own self interests, and sent aid where it was inappropriate, and in both situations abroad, was contrary to the values the nation as once built on.Overall, the United States overstepped the boundaries of private domestic lives and in the political issues of other nations, and abused it's power to act in interests of the Truman Doctrine and anti-communism, at the expense of straying from its fundamental values. Although the reasoning behind the government's actions was to prevent the spread of another government, that threat was no t imminent, and their attempts to eradicate potential Marxist uprisings resulted in more damaging effects to the nation's innocent people. Our values were even more abandoned inGuatemala, where we did acted against a government, albeit influenced by Marxism, was much like our own in the way it gave political freedom and expression to it's people. The United States sacrificed it's own traditional ideals of protecting these rights and not interfering in the issues of other nations, for our own benefit, which was not as successful as the government hope. Even today, the question on what motivates the government to act abroad, and whether economic self-interest or desire to change the politics of other nations for our own benefit, play a part and remains a relevant question. Cold War The cold war was a tense relationship between the Soviet Union and the Americans. The reason why they were fighting was because of the way their countries ran. The Soviet Union communism is a political way of thinking and an idea of how society should work and be organized. Communism is a kind of extreme socialism that says that there should not be social classes or states. Communism says that the people of any and every place in the world should all own the tools, factories, and farms that are used to produce goods and food.This social process is known as common ownership. In a communist society, there is no private property. The main differences between Socialism and Communism are that, in a Communist society, the state ceases to exist along with money, so that the people work in exchange for the things they need to live.. In America they have something called capitalism. Capitalism is an economic system in which capital and assets in the economy are controlled by the private secto r(private enterprise or ownership) and in which the eans of production are on the bases of making profit.In capitalism you make your own economic decisions with risks and you can either fail or succeed, but in socialism you stay at only one economic status, in which their is always a social safety net but at the same time you cant strive to achieve more. Both America and the Soviet Union said they were both Democratic, but they didn't believe each other so they started to argue and threats were thrown around about nuclear ware fare. NORAD is the North American Aerospace Defence Command.It's a Joint USA – Canada organization that was set up in 1958 as the North American Air Defence Command as a response to the Cold War threat from the Soviet Union. It provides for aerospace warning (for example, if enemy missiles or aircraft are headed towards North America) , protection of North American airspace
Thursday, November 7, 2019
ACT Homeschool Code for Registration
ACT Homeschool Code for Registration SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you've registered for the ACT, you may have noticed that you'll need to enter a school code. But what code do you put if you're homeschooled? How can you make sure your scores get to you? We answer your questions in this guide! What Is the ACT Homeschool Code? The universal ACTHomeschool Code is 969-999.This code is applicable anywhere in the USA, and it's what you'll use when asked to provide a school code. When you use this ACT homeschool code, itmeans that your score results will be sent directly to your home. You will have already provided your address in a different part of the registration process, and ACT will use that information to know where to send your scores. Why Does the ACT Ask for School Codes? There are two reasons why students are asked to provide a school code when they register for the ACT. The first is so their school can see how well they and other students are doing on standardized tests. The second reason is that ACT uses this information itself to collect data on how well different groups of students do on the exam.This can include comparing scores of students within one local area, comparing scores of students in different states, and comparing scores of students in public schools vs home schools.Homeschooled students, on average, score higher on the SAT and theACTthan their public school counterparts. When Should You Use Your Local High School's Code? If you want to, you can use the local high school's code instead of a homeschool code,as long as you have permission from the high school. This could be a good option if you plan on attending the high school later on and want them to already have your ACT scores, or if you need to provide them your ACT scores to participate in their extracurriculars. Conversely, this could mean less privacy for you, since the high school officials would then be able to view your ACT scores. If that bothers you, then it might be better to use the ACT homeschooler's code and send your scores directly to your residence. Other Resources for Homeschoolers Taking the ACT Need more information on registering for the ACT? We have a complete guide on how to register for the ACT as a homeschool student. Are youwonderingwhen you should sign up to take the ACT for the first time?This guidedescribes the most important considerations to help you choose the best test date for you. What's a good ACT score for college?Check out our step-by-step guide to figure out your target score. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Disinterested Versus Uninterested
Disinterested Versus Uninterested The adjective disinterested means impartial and without bias. The adjective uninterested means indifferent or unconcerned. Examples I had a great desire to do a disinterested and pure thingto express my belief in something higher.(Saul Bellow, Henderson the Rain King, 1959)Disinterested intellectual curiosity is the life blood of real civilization. (G. M. Trevelyan)Americans are not isolationist; theyre uninterested. So foreign policy is neglected, presidents find it hard to lead, and the noisy few trump the quiet many. (James M. Lindsay, Foreign Affairs, September/October 2000) Usage Notes You can be disinterested in something but not uninterested, and vice versa. For instance, because Im not a betting man, I dont stand to gain or lose anything in the outcome of most sporting events; I might still enjoy watching a game: Im disinterested but not uninterested. Conversely, I might not care about the intricacies of tax policies, but I certainly have a stake in the outcome: Im uninterested but not disinterested.(Jack Lynch, Disinterested versus Uninterested, The English Language: A Users Guide. Focus Publishing, 2008)A large number of educated speakers and writers, for whatever reason, object to disinterested in the sense uninterested, unconcerneda sense it previously had but lost for awhileand want the word to have only the meaning impartial, unprejudiced. The criticized use has nevertheless gained such ground that it has practically driven out the other one. That change causes no harm to language as communication. We have merely lost a synonym for impartial and gained one for indifferent.(John Algeo, The Origins and Development of the English Language, 6th ed. Wadsworth, 2010) Practice (a) A lively, _____, persistent looking for truth is extraordinarily rare. (Henri Amiel) (b) There are no uninteresting things; there are only _____ people. Answers to Practice Exercises Answers to Practice Exercises: Disinterested and Uninterested (a) A lively, disinterested, persistent looking for truth is extraordinarily rare. (Henri Amiel) (b) There are no uninteresting things; there are only uninterested people.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Critical Commentary on Orientalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Critical Commentary on Orientalism - Essay Example According to Ghazoul (2004) orientalism can also be said to be descriptive of the dissemination of matters concerning geopolitical awareness into scholarly, aesthetic, sociological, economic, and historical texts. Edward Said introduced different meanings into the words ‘occident’ and ‘orient’. From his discourse, it would seem that the term ‘Orient’ basically evolved into being a negative construal of Eastern cultures by the Western culture. Edward Said was deeply interested in the scholarly study of African, Middle Eastern, and Asian cultures and history. He emphasised that his understanding of the concept of orientalism was not merely representative of modern intellectual as well as social and political cultures in Middle Eastern nations (Orrells 2012). Orientalism, to a large extent, deals in studies into the Eastern cultures between the 19th and 20th centuries. As an area of study, it remains controversial because it has to ties to the archaic beliefs that characterised colonialist or imperialist regimes. According to academic scholars like Mellor (2004) the whole concept of the ‘Orient’ is tied with how the West defines itself. In defining aspects of the concept of orientalism, Said tried to point out that one of the major factors that defined this issue was the reality of the divergence of power between colonisers and the colonised tribes more in the past. According to Irwin (2006) there are many Weste rn ideological preconceptions that are hidden within the concepts of orientalism.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
SOCIOLOGY OF MENTAL HEALTH and ILLNESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
SOCIOLOGY OF MENTAL HEALTH and ILLNESS - Essay Example While such labels are applicable to a small fraction of patients, a majority of them are â€Å"normal†individuals by common standards. Their disorders and disturbances only affect their concentration, cognition and efficiency. Yet, they get ostracized for their condition. The mainstream media plays a significant role in spreading such misconceptions among the citizenry. As a matter of statistic, crime rates among the mentally disturbed are quite similar to that of the control group (Angermeyer, 2004). Yet, the media portrays them as people prone to violent and antisocial behavior. For example, â€Å"Mental illness also has not received the sensitive media coverage that other illnesses have been given. We are surrounded by stereotypes, popular movies talk about killers who are "psychos" and news coverage of mental illness only when it related to violence. We also often hear the causal use of terms like "lunatic" or "crazy," along with jokes about the mentally ill. These representations and the use of discriminatory language distort the public’s view and reinforce inaccuracies about mental illness.†(Schulze, 2003) It is not an even keel with all types of afflictions. Some of them like schizophrenia are subject to more ridicule and stigma than say depression. People affected with this condition are portrayed as â€Å"psychos†, â€Å"whackos†, â€Å"nut balls†, etc. While disorders like depression don’t attract such treatment as a result of widespread awareness about anti-depressants within the mainstream media (Kelly, 2007). There are other negative consequences to such stigma. For one thing, many people shy away from getting proper treatment for their conditions on fear of being ridiculed and disparaged. They also develop unreasonable fears of abandonment by their family and friends once the illness comes to light
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Legal aspects of doing business in the Middle East Essay
Legal aspects of doing business in the Middle East - Essay Example Even though the arrangement has made the growth of broad and planned legal systems feasible, these are inflexible and rigid to a certain extent, and this represents the system of government of directive that is linked with nations within the Middle East area as a whole. Since its foundation in 1971, the UAE has placed a provisional establishment, which quickly has changed into a stable one. This took place after the federal state of the UAE attained its constancy dedicated towards a fair strategy, and made cultural alterations and huge achievements at the local, provincial and global levels in addition to further development for the people of this nation; this would be among the most flourishing practices of alliance. This constitution clarifies the major regulations of the political and constitutional management of the state. Actually, it has revealed the key reason of organization of the federation, its ideas and elements on the local and district levels. It has as well elaborated on the most important communal and financial â€Å"pillars of federation and stressed public rights, responsibilities and freedoms†(Campbel, 2009). ... ments to the constitution are drafted by the Federal Supreme Council, and must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the Federal National Council, after which the amendment is signed into law by the president†(Campbel, 2009). Main Provisions The â€Å"Federal Supreme Council†is the main legal power within the UAE. It is the major governmental and decision-making organization. It ascertains general regulations and endorses federal legislation. The leaders of Dubai and Abu Dhabi hold â€Å"veto power†(Campbel, 2009). The establishment manages the link amid the â€Å"federal government and the emirate governments†via the central government related controls and leaving an indefinite region of hidden authorities to the emirates. Every emirate has power on its own oil and mineral assets and a few matters of inner safety. The federal government emphasizes dominance in nearly all issues related to regulation and government. Constitution allocates jobs to the federal government in the fields of foreign affairs, defense and protection, ethnicity and migration concerns, learning, health care system, coinage, communication methods, employment affairs, banking, distribution of territorial waters and criminals’ exile. It also permits the transference of governmental power located within the Union onto neighboring federal associations, mainly the financial center in Dubai. The change sets an example for the growth of the federal power. The federal constitution facilitates the leaders of the emirates, nonetheless, to resign, if they would like to, in some specific areas of power recommended as being the duty of particular emirates to the federal rule. The verdict to join the military is an illustration of this right. The federal constitution also allows all emirates to preserve
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Significant Impacts Of Iron Smelting Environmental Sciences Essay
Significant Impacts Of Iron Smelting Environmental Sciences Essay After having a clear idea about the project and its effects according to my considerations the following impacts are very important. The impacts are listed in the order of their importance:- AIR QUALITY The air pollution that will be caused by the plants is the biggest issue to be considered. The coke making process involved is responsible for large amount of VOCs (Volatile organic compounds) and carbon monoxide emissions. Further the working of blast furnace and the processes of casting and rolling are responsible for significant releases of nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides. The use of heavy diesel equipments, generators and vehicle movement will also contribute to air pollution. As the region experiences moderate winds the pollutants will be carried to the surrounding areas increasing the pollution to a large extent. It will adversely affect the local vegetation, surrounding grasslands and the native assai palm trees. The local temperature will also increase due to the industrial activity and decrease in vegetation. The greatest risk is on the local population which is already facing health problems and the cattle farming in the surrounding areas. The mitigation measures to be u sed for controlling the air pollution are not adequate for such a large project and require reconsideration. Classification of impact: LT, IR, D,(-), L and R. WATER QUALITY The Pequia River is the main source of water for the local population for drinking, cooking and other recreational activities. The waste water generated from the plants have large amount of contaminants, that require effective removal and treatment before it is disposed into the water body. The water quality of the Piquia River will be affected by the disposal of high temperature waste water from the ovens containing large amount of chemical compounds discharged into it. The soil in the area is permeable and has good drainage properties. These characteristics will allow the flow of solid wastes dumped at a site to flow into the ground water and the river along with the rain water. Thus, contaminating the ground water and the river water. No proper measures have been observed in the plan for calculating the quantity of waste water that will be discharged into the river. Moreover, it is being assumed that the palm trees on the river are good purifiers but they wonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t be affective if the pollution will be of such a large extent. Classification of impact: LT, IR, D, (-) and L. HEALTH OF LOCAL POPULATION The health problems caused by the iron smelting plant are inevitable. The emission of poisonous gases like nitrogen oxide, sulphur oxide, carbon monoxide etc poses a serious threat to the health of the people of Pequia. These gases can cause many problems like asthma, skin infection, damage to eyes and even cancer in some cases. Fine particles suspended in the air in the vicinity of the plant can cause respiratory problems to the workers. The area covered by air pollution will increase if the winds start blowing thus affecting even more population in the surrounding areas. The noise and vibrations caused by the heavy machinery can cause hearing problems if proper measures are not taken by the workers. Moreover, the mitigation measures like using tree belt as a sound barrier is not effective in case of such a large industry. The Pequia village is already facing problems regarding health due to contamination of the water which will be further aggravated due to disposal of waste water c ontaining fine ore and charcoal into the river. There will always be a danger of accident at the plant and it can cause unpredictable impact on the population surrounding it. Classification of impact: LT, R, D, (-) and L. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Due to the growing demand of the iron both the plants are designed to produce pig-iron for the steel plants and foundries. The initial estimate is to produce 50,000 tons per year with a future plan to expand it to 100,000 tons per year. The primary objective of the plants is to export the pig iron to the international market, with national steel plants consuming a great part of the production. This will help to improve the economy of the country and the boost the industrial development of the area. As stated in the document industrial development in the area is the major goal of the Federal Government and is a part of a collaborative effort by the Carajas railway and Carajas mining project. The plants will draw in some new industry in the surrounding area and help in creation of more jobs. But this proposal can be shifted to some other site where it will bring the same industrial development but will have less severe impacts on the local habitat and the environment. Classification of impact: LT, IR, D and ID, (+), L and R. INCREASE JOB DEMAND The development of the iron smelting plants in the area will create a large number of jobs for the local and the regional population and he people will be involved both directly and indirectly. According to the plan each plant will employ 200 workers from the village and specialized training will be given. It will help to improve the living standards of the population which otherwise earn their living by commerce of milk, small shops and some odd jobs. But this will not be a very significant impact compared to the above impacts because only a small section of the population will be employed. The majority of population will still deal with cattle farming and vegetation and these will be adversely affected by the industrial plants. Classification of impact: LT, D and ID, IR, (+), L and R. To conclude, the project will have severe adverse effects on the environment of the area and will degrade the air quality and the quality of water in the Pequia River. The emissions are more severe than what is predicted in the plan and measures taken are not adequate. Moreover, the proposal does not include any effective mitigation measures for the noise pollution control and waste material that will be added to the river. So, the plant should not come up at the proposed location and a new site should be proposed where it will have less severe environmental impacts.
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