Thursday, October 31, 2019
SOCIOLOGY OF MENTAL HEALTH and ILLNESS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
SOCIOLOGY OF MENTAL HEALTH and ILLNESS - Essay Example While such labels are applicable to a small fraction of patients, a majority of them are â€Å"normal†individuals by common standards. Their disorders and disturbances only affect their concentration, cognition and efficiency. Yet, they get ostracized for their condition. The mainstream media plays a significant role in spreading such misconceptions among the citizenry. As a matter of statistic, crime rates among the mentally disturbed are quite similar to that of the control group (Angermeyer, 2004). Yet, the media portrays them as people prone to violent and antisocial behavior. For example, â€Å"Mental illness also has not received the sensitive media coverage that other illnesses have been given. We are surrounded by stereotypes, popular movies talk about killers who are "psychos" and news coverage of mental illness only when it related to violence. We also often hear the causal use of terms like "lunatic" or "crazy," along with jokes about the mentally ill. These representations and the use of discriminatory language distort the public’s view and reinforce inaccuracies about mental illness.†(Schulze, 2003) It is not an even keel with all types of afflictions. Some of them like schizophrenia are subject to more ridicule and stigma than say depression. People affected with this condition are portrayed as â€Å"psychos†, â€Å"whackos†, â€Å"nut balls†, etc. While disorders like depression don’t attract such treatment as a result of widespread awareness about anti-depressants within the mainstream media (Kelly, 2007). There are other negative consequences to such stigma. For one thing, many people shy away from getting proper treatment for their conditions on fear of being ridiculed and disparaged. They also develop unreasonable fears of abandonment by their family and friends once the illness comes to light
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Legal aspects of doing business in the Middle East Essay
Legal aspects of doing business in the Middle East - Essay Example Even though the arrangement has made the growth of broad and planned legal systems feasible, these are inflexible and rigid to a certain extent, and this represents the system of government of directive that is linked with nations within the Middle East area as a whole. Since its foundation in 1971, the UAE has placed a provisional establishment, which quickly has changed into a stable one. This took place after the federal state of the UAE attained its constancy dedicated towards a fair strategy, and made cultural alterations and huge achievements at the local, provincial and global levels in addition to further development for the people of this nation; this would be among the most flourishing practices of alliance. This constitution clarifies the major regulations of the political and constitutional management of the state. Actually, it has revealed the key reason of organization of the federation, its ideas and elements on the local and district levels. It has as well elaborated on the most important communal and financial â€Å"pillars of federation and stressed public rights, responsibilities and freedoms†(Campbel, 2009). ... ments to the constitution are drafted by the Federal Supreme Council, and must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the Federal National Council, after which the amendment is signed into law by the president†(Campbel, 2009). Main Provisions The â€Å"Federal Supreme Council†is the main legal power within the UAE. It is the major governmental and decision-making organization. It ascertains general regulations and endorses federal legislation. The leaders of Dubai and Abu Dhabi hold â€Å"veto power†(Campbel, 2009). The establishment manages the link amid the â€Å"federal government and the emirate governments†via the central government related controls and leaving an indefinite region of hidden authorities to the emirates. Every emirate has power on its own oil and mineral assets and a few matters of inner safety. The federal government emphasizes dominance in nearly all issues related to regulation and government. Constitution allocates jobs to the federal government in the fields of foreign affairs, defense and protection, ethnicity and migration concerns, learning, health care system, coinage, communication methods, employment affairs, banking, distribution of territorial waters and criminals’ exile. It also permits the transference of governmental power located within the Union onto neighboring federal associations, mainly the financial center in Dubai. The change sets an example for the growth of the federal power. The federal constitution facilitates the leaders of the emirates, nonetheless, to resign, if they would like to, in some specific areas of power recommended as being the duty of particular emirates to the federal rule. The verdict to join the military is an illustration of this right. The federal constitution also allows all emirates to preserve
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Significant Impacts Of Iron Smelting Environmental Sciences Essay
Significant Impacts Of Iron Smelting Environmental Sciences Essay After having a clear idea about the project and its effects according to my considerations the following impacts are very important. The impacts are listed in the order of their importance:- AIR QUALITY The air pollution that will be caused by the plants is the biggest issue to be considered. The coke making process involved is responsible for large amount of VOCs (Volatile organic compounds) and carbon monoxide emissions. Further the working of blast furnace and the processes of casting and rolling are responsible for significant releases of nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides. The use of heavy diesel equipments, generators and vehicle movement will also contribute to air pollution. As the region experiences moderate winds the pollutants will be carried to the surrounding areas increasing the pollution to a large extent. It will adversely affect the local vegetation, surrounding grasslands and the native assai palm trees. The local temperature will also increase due to the industrial activity and decrease in vegetation. The greatest risk is on the local population which is already facing health problems and the cattle farming in the surrounding areas. The mitigation measures to be u sed for controlling the air pollution are not adequate for such a large project and require reconsideration. Classification of impact: LT, IR, D,(-), L and R. WATER QUALITY The Pequia River is the main source of water for the local population for drinking, cooking and other recreational activities. The waste water generated from the plants have large amount of contaminants, that require effective removal and treatment before it is disposed into the water body. The water quality of the Piquia River will be affected by the disposal of high temperature waste water from the ovens containing large amount of chemical compounds discharged into it. The soil in the area is permeable and has good drainage properties. These characteristics will allow the flow of solid wastes dumped at a site to flow into the ground water and the river along with the rain water. Thus, contaminating the ground water and the river water. No proper measures have been observed in the plan for calculating the quantity of waste water that will be discharged into the river. Moreover, it is being assumed that the palm trees on the river are good purifiers but they wonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t be affective if the pollution will be of such a large extent. Classification of impact: LT, IR, D, (-) and L. HEALTH OF LOCAL POPULATION The health problems caused by the iron smelting plant are inevitable. The emission of poisonous gases like nitrogen oxide, sulphur oxide, carbon monoxide etc poses a serious threat to the health of the people of Pequia. These gases can cause many problems like asthma, skin infection, damage to eyes and even cancer in some cases. Fine particles suspended in the air in the vicinity of the plant can cause respiratory problems to the workers. The area covered by air pollution will increase if the winds start blowing thus affecting even more population in the surrounding areas. The noise and vibrations caused by the heavy machinery can cause hearing problems if proper measures are not taken by the workers. Moreover, the mitigation measures like using tree belt as a sound barrier is not effective in case of such a large industry. The Pequia village is already facing problems regarding health due to contamination of the water which will be further aggravated due to disposal of waste water c ontaining fine ore and charcoal into the river. There will always be a danger of accident at the plant and it can cause unpredictable impact on the population surrounding it. Classification of impact: LT, R, D, (-) and L. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Due to the growing demand of the iron both the plants are designed to produce pig-iron for the steel plants and foundries. The initial estimate is to produce 50,000 tons per year with a future plan to expand it to 100,000 tons per year. The primary objective of the plants is to export the pig iron to the international market, with national steel plants consuming a great part of the production. This will help to improve the economy of the country and the boost the industrial development of the area. As stated in the document industrial development in the area is the major goal of the Federal Government and is a part of a collaborative effort by the Carajas railway and Carajas mining project. The plants will draw in some new industry in the surrounding area and help in creation of more jobs. But this proposal can be shifted to some other site where it will bring the same industrial development but will have less severe impacts on the local habitat and the environment. Classification of impact: LT, IR, D and ID, (+), L and R. INCREASE JOB DEMAND The development of the iron smelting plants in the area will create a large number of jobs for the local and the regional population and he people will be involved both directly and indirectly. According to the plan each plant will employ 200 workers from the village and specialized training will be given. It will help to improve the living standards of the population which otherwise earn their living by commerce of milk, small shops and some odd jobs. But this will not be a very significant impact compared to the above impacts because only a small section of the population will be employed. The majority of population will still deal with cattle farming and vegetation and these will be adversely affected by the industrial plants. Classification of impact: LT, D and ID, IR, (+), L and R. To conclude, the project will have severe adverse effects on the environment of the area and will degrade the air quality and the quality of water in the Pequia River. The emissions are more severe than what is predicted in the plan and measures taken are not adequate. Moreover, the proposal does not include any effective mitigation measures for the noise pollution control and waste material that will be added to the river. So, the plant should not come up at the proposed location and a new site should be proposed where it will have less severe environmental impacts.
Friday, October 25, 2019
You Can Shave the Beast, But Will the Fur Grow Back? Essay examples --
You Can Shave the Beast, But Will the Fur Grow Back? I live in Brooklyn, New York City. I was born and bred there. I am one of eight million New Yorkers. New York City is sometimes described as a "melting pot," meaning we are like different Kool-Aid powders that dissolve into a uniform color and flavor. My view differs, though. I think we are eight million different insoluble liquids layered one on top of the other, appearing like oil floating on water. When stirred these liquids are rustled from their respective positions, almost coming together, only to revert to their original separated composition a second later. I'm sorry, Dr. King, we haven't all "sat at the same table" yet. This polarization and social indifference, I believe, stems from the ruthless, heart-hardening, cutthroat environment of our city. But underneath this coarseness, I wonder if there isn't a sliver of pillow-soft care and empathy for those wishing to escape the city's coldness. New Yorkers are stereotypically known as a crass and rude group, devoid of compassion. Having visited other places in the world I can frankly attest that I have never experienced apathy so widely spread throughout a populace as I have felt living in New York. The "New York attitude" isn't unique to lower class individuals who are down on their luck; it transcends class, gender, and race. It's evident in the Wall Street white collar, the ghetto rogue, the chubby mothers of three-and me. It's a compelling force. I've been trained, conditioned like one of Dr. Pavlov's dogs, to behave this way; to bark on demand, to push as I'm being shoved, to hate when hated. I was sucked into the vacuum of hate at an early age. When I was twelve years old, I got a taste of the caustic mali... ...form to the street below, I accidentally bump hard into somebody. I offer an apology to this fellow and stick my hand out in good will. He responds with a vile grunt and an ice-cold stare and mumbles, "Fuck off," before hurriedly scurrying away. Predictable, like a hackneyed cliche from the tobacco-chewing mouth of a vociferous Texas football coach in a half-time motivational talk with his players, is the behavior of this rough-hewn New Yorker. I tried leading this horse to water. He refused to drink. This new-found compassion to lead, to rectify, has lifted my soul halfway out of the hostile, rancorous dark New York mire. The remaining half of my soul is being held back by the stubborn horses whose reins I'm holding onto. They refuse to join me, to whinny and trot along the green meadows of tolerance. They keep bucking. But letting go will only pull me back in. You Can Shave the Beast, But Will the Fur Grow Back? Essay examples -- You Can Shave the Beast, But Will the Fur Grow Back? I live in Brooklyn, New York City. I was born and bred there. I am one of eight million New Yorkers. New York City is sometimes described as a "melting pot," meaning we are like different Kool-Aid powders that dissolve into a uniform color and flavor. My view differs, though. I think we are eight million different insoluble liquids layered one on top of the other, appearing like oil floating on water. When stirred these liquids are rustled from their respective positions, almost coming together, only to revert to their original separated composition a second later. I'm sorry, Dr. King, we haven't all "sat at the same table" yet. This polarization and social indifference, I believe, stems from the ruthless, heart-hardening, cutthroat environment of our city. But underneath this coarseness, I wonder if there isn't a sliver of pillow-soft care and empathy for those wishing to escape the city's coldness. New Yorkers are stereotypically known as a crass and rude group, devoid of compassion. Having visited other places in the world I can frankly attest that I have never experienced apathy so widely spread throughout a populace as I have felt living in New York. The "New York attitude" isn't unique to lower class individuals who are down on their luck; it transcends class, gender, and race. It's evident in the Wall Street white collar, the ghetto rogue, the chubby mothers of three-and me. It's a compelling force. I've been trained, conditioned like one of Dr. Pavlov's dogs, to behave this way; to bark on demand, to push as I'm being shoved, to hate when hated. I was sucked into the vacuum of hate at an early age. When I was twelve years old, I got a taste of the caustic mali... ...form to the street below, I accidentally bump hard into somebody. I offer an apology to this fellow and stick my hand out in good will. He responds with a vile grunt and an ice-cold stare and mumbles, "Fuck off," before hurriedly scurrying away. Predictable, like a hackneyed cliche from the tobacco-chewing mouth of a vociferous Texas football coach in a half-time motivational talk with his players, is the behavior of this rough-hewn New Yorker. I tried leading this horse to water. He refused to drink. This new-found compassion to lead, to rectify, has lifted my soul halfway out of the hostile, rancorous dark New York mire. The remaining half of my soul is being held back by the stubborn horses whose reins I'm holding onto. They refuse to join me, to whinny and trot along the green meadows of tolerance. They keep bucking. But letting go will only pull me back in.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Healthy Combination
Seniority plays an indispensable role in the military. Rank is highly important because their efficiency of getting things done depends on fast commands corresponding fast implementation. That is why leadership here is very crucial. One does not easily get promoted or get his own ship to command. Despite the fact that everyone already looks up to you and no matter how worked yourself off, these simply aren’t enough. 1 Like what The Captain said to Lt.Tyler, one has to â€Å"be able to make hard decisions based on imperative information asking men to carry out orders that result to their deaths. †Because the true test of being a soldier-leader is not only willingness to lay his own life on the line for his men, not only his bravery, but his strength to have to lay someone else’s life for the crew, for the mission and then, at the end of the day, having to pay for its consequences. In U-571 (2000), maybe the character that noticeably best depicted being an astound ing leader and, at the same time a follower, is The Chief.Being somewhat a middleman between the new Captain and the crew, during their battle with the Nazis, Chief, in his years in combat, was able to successfully be a good leader and follower whenever the times demanded it of him. Some of the crewmen might have thought that, when The Captain died when the S33 was blown up, The Chief was the one that should take command instead of the much younger Lt. Tyler. Once, a crew member kept saying â€Å"†¦this is crazy, this is crazy†¦ he’s gonna get us killed†¦Ã¢â‚¬ to the idea that Lt. Tyler didn’t want to use the Nazi’s Enigma to radio for help. The Chief said, â€Å"Navy said it’s more important than you, him, meâ€â€fine. We’re gonna die trying. That ain’t crazy. That’s our job. †The stubborn crewman responds with â€Å"what I don’t seem to understand Chief, is how come you’re not in-charge. à ¢â‚¬ In the middle of his blabbering on about ____________________ 1. Military Rank. [2004]. Retrieved July 29, 2008 from http://www. militaryspot. com/military-rank. htm 1why Tyler shouldn’t be in command, The Chief suddenly grabbed hold of his shirt and held him by the neck. â€Å"Lt. Tyler is your commanding officer and you will respect that man as such. †In this particular scene, The Chief was a leader in a sense that he recognizes when a crewman needs some straightening up and, also he is a very good follower in a sense that he defended the superior being insulted at the back. At these moments, he displayed glory when he was effortlessly able to go over the praises, and get down to serious business.His principles are unwavering, unconditional. Attitude such as these give a command consistency and action in highly unfavorable situations such as battlefields. Contrary to conventional point of view, being a follower and a leader seems to be much more of a role pla yed in an interrelated way than a role as played in completely opposite ways. Yes, one cannot be a leader without being a follower and following cannot be without leading. To be able to fully understand one, one has to understand the other, or both will not stand.One cannot exist without the other; they complete each other. In the context of this film, or life in general for that matter, it is impossible to discuss leadership without discussing followership, and vice versa. 2 This concept can be seen in the persona of the Chief. The concept of leadership and followership is healthily embedded in The Chief’s heart and mind, and through this, he is able to contribute significantly to the welfare of the crew and the accomplishment of the mission. If too many soldiers were to lack this, it will â€Å"kill a crew.†Doubt is a given when there are high risks involved. Playing with the lives of men is never easy. There are a lot of gray areas, areas where a soldier is confron ted with dilemmas. The Chief experienced this at 160 meters below water surface. Despite the risks involved The _____________________ 2. Lt Col Sharon M. Latour and Lt Col Vicki J. Rast, â€Å"Dynamic Followership,†(2004) Retrieved July 29, 2008 from http://www. govleaders. org/dynamic_followership. htm. Chief followed Lt. Tyler to dive the extra meters. If Lt.Tyler made a mistake in his calculations or estimations, they all could’ve drowned when the submarine barely held itself together under the pressure of 200 meters underwater. But they were lucky. What seemed to be wrong turned out to be right. In reality, perhaps it is much harder to choose. A young enlisted officer also came to this situation, where his ability to follow was thinning. Lt. Tyler had to order him to swim under the flooded pipes and tighten those that need tightening so that a torpedo can be launched.Obeying might kill him and not obeying might kill the crew. This time though, it wasn’t as happy an ending as The Chief’s was when he followed orders. The kid drowned. They were able to beat the enemy but they sacrificed a life. There are no clear lines as to which extents will a soldier follow or not. There are no set qualifications as to who must go first. Maybe there never will. But one thing is clear, leading or following, the sake of the crew as a whole must be put first before an individual’s, the country’s first before the self. ____________________1. Lt Col Sharon M. Latour and Lt Col Vicki J. Rast, â€Å"Dynamic Followership,†(2004) Retrieved July 29, 2008 from http://www. govleaders. org/dynamic_followership. htm. 2. Military Rank. [2004]. Retrieved July 29, 2008 from http://www. militaryspot. com/military-rank. htm BIBLIOGRAPHY Lt Col Latour, Sharon M. and Lt Col Rast, Vicki J. Dynamic Followership. Retrieved July 29, 2008 from http://www. govleaders. org/dynamic_followership. htm, 2004. Military Rank. Retrieved July 29, 2008 from h ttp://www. militaryspot. com/military-rank. htm, 2004.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Bad Credit Credit Card
With the buy-now-pay-later mentality of today's society, many people have fallen onto trap of bad credit. An increasing number of consumers are facing credit problems in recent years. For many reasons, some lenders face a high-debt-to-income ratio along with other credit problems. And, it will take several years to remove the bad credit card marks in you credit history. People with poor credit often find it difficult to be approved as well, for a regular credit card especially if he has low credit score and limited credit history.Through bad-credit credit card, bad credit history can still replaced with the good one. Bad-credit credit card is a good alternative to you regular credit card with bad debts. This is no different from any other credit card. It can also be used wherever credit cards were accepted. This is also generally intended to cater for the group of people who have had problems in the past or even to those who have no credit history. It is good way for consumers with a poor credit history to establish and rebuild a solid one. Bad-credit credit cards may also be known as secured credit cards.This type card is also intended for individuals whose credit is damaged and who have no credit history at all. They are secured by collateral in a form of funds deposited in a saving account with the bank that issues the credit card. The amount of money determines the credit limit. If the history of the credit card is good, the credit card issuer may extend you line of credit or offer an unsecured credit card, which are generally intended for people with good and excellent credit history. Reference: www. credircardcube. com
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