Wednesday, December 25, 2019 Essay examples - 1634 Words is an Internet company that pioneered a unique type of e-commerce known as â€Å"demand collection system†that enables consumers to use the Internet to save money on a wide range of products and services while enabling sellers to generate incremental revenue. Using a simple and compelling consumer proposition of â€Å"name your price,†the consumer is in control of the product they wish to purchase. In the form of individual customer offers guaranteed by a credit card for a particular product or service at a price set by the customer and communicate that demand directly to the participating sellers or to their private databases. The company works by allowing the consumers to agree to hold their offers open†¦show more content†¦Sales with an average of one ticket sold every 70 seconds. With its leisure airline ticket service, collects consumer demand and helps airlines fill thousands of empty seats every week on their domestic and international flights. Consumers simply tell the location, the date they want to travel, the price they’re ready to pay and the major credit card they’ll use to guarantee their request. Consumers then receive an answer from in one hour for domestic travel, or 24 hours for international travel. The â€Å"name-your-price†buying service that launched in April, sold a record 20,000 tickets online in the last six weeks. In another article titled, â€Å"After First 45 Days,’s New Car Sales Pass $2 Million Mark In New York Market Test,† launched a new car buying service in the New York metro area in July of 1998. The service enables buyers to name the exact car or truck they want, the price they want to pay and the counties they are willing to travel to in order to take delivery of their new car. However, all customers must either have their own financing or pay cash for their new cars. The financing plan is only a limit in the market test; now has a financing option that enables consumers to name their own monthly payment plan. The patented e-commerce system has attracted thousands of car buyers and has sold more than $2 million worth of new cars just 45 days after launchingShow MoreRelatedBusiness Models Of Priceline And Greentoe1629 Words  | 7 Pagesapplication is that of Priceline is one of the top ranked United States travel sites, gaining 17.5 million visitors per month and bringing in revenues of over 5 billion dollars (Laudon Traver, 2014, p. 718). Priceline is most commonly known for their travel services but also participates in automotive sales, hotel bookings, car rentals, long distance phone services, and home financing (Laudon Traver, 2014, p. 718). To use the Name Your Own Price feature on, a customer entersRead MorePriceline Or ( Pcln )825 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Priceline or (PCLN) is a travel agency that offers cruises, hotel rooms, airline tickets, vacation packages, excursions and rental cars. The company s Name Your Own Price option offers its customers an incredible proposition by allowing them to name their own price for any travel related products or services. determines the lowest price it can accept, while the customer has the discretion in the supplier selection. also provides a brand preservingRead MorePriceline.Com Marketing Analysis2151 Words  | 9 Introduction Winners don t do different things, they do things differently. Priceline changed the conventional marketing system by introducing a role reversal of the traditional seller-buyer system. Launched in 1998, Priceline, the brainchild of Jay Walker, provided lower than retail airfare options for travel enthusiasts. Priceline is the eBay of airline tickets, allowing the buyer to bid (once) for the fare. By facilitating sales below retail price via the Internet,Read MorePriceline.Com: Changing Business in the New Millennium1093 Words  | 5 Changing Business in the New Millennium Q#1: How does the internet illustrate the marketing concept in action? Answer: In marketing concept, delivering the products to the consumers according to their needs is the way to achieve organizational goal. Internet is doing this job nicely. Today, people want numerous number of products at the near of their hands. But the traditional form of marketing is no more suitable for consumer groups. That’s why they want easier to achieve ofRead MoreCan Business Model of Priceline.Com Be Saved3209 Words  | 13 Pagesmortgages. Since launching its business, has sold millions of airline tickets, hotel room nights, and rental car days. is the patented Internet pricing system that enables consumers to achieve significant savings by naming their own price for goods and services. takes consumer offers and then presents them to sellers who can fill as much of that guaranteed demand as they wish at price points determined by buyers. licenses its business model to independentRead MoreAn Online Global Hotel And Travel Business790 Words  | 4 Pagesonline global hotel and travel business that is a part of the travel industry, and it is made up of five primary brands:,,,, and They also conduct business in over 180 countries and territories in Europe, North America, South America, the Asia-Pacific Regions, the Middle East, and Africa ( Relations). The travel industry consist of businesses that sell, book, and arrange travel, tour, and accommodation services forRead MoreEssay about Financial Analy sis of Priceline2191 Words  | 9 Pagescompany headquarters is located in Connecticut (â€Å" Incorporated History†). Funding Universe, also adds that Priceline is a transactional service that offers products in two categories: a travel service that offers leisure airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, packaged vacations and cruises; and a personal finance service that markets home mortgages, refinancing and home equity loans through an independent licensee (â€Å" Incorporated History†). Priceline points out â€Å"JefferyRead MoreThe Priceline Group Is An American Based Company1578 Words  | 7 PagesLong: PCLN (Market Cap: $80.73B) 1. Summary Thesis: The Priceline Group is an American-based company that provides travel and related services to consumers and local partners. It has six primary brands:,,, KAYAK, and OpenTable. Among these brands, is the company’s main platform. Now, The Priceline Group operates in over 200 countries and areas and becomes the biggest online travel agency in the world. The total revenues of the PricelineRead MoreStock Split2405 Words  | 10 Pagesmonths. So, you end up with the same worthless stock with fewer shares. If, however, the company has substance (earnings, etc.) behind the stock, a reverse split can be a good thing. would be a good example of the company for which reverse stock split worked well in recent years. Priceline, Inc, Inc operates as an online travel company in the United States and Europe. It offers its services under the Name Your Own Price brand, which allows its customers to make offers forRead MoreBusiness Models in Ecom1049 Words  | 5 Pagesmodel: Financial services Travel services Job placement services 2 Market Creator Uses Internet technology to create markets that bring buyers and sellers together Where they can display products, search for products and establish prices (reverse austion), Service Provider Offers services online – information storage – consulting for small businesses Typically uses a transaction fee revenue model Usually a commission on sales is collected
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Grotesque Pursue Of Goodness - 2189 Words
Elena Quesada Pereda Professor Marcos Norris ENGL 290 5 May 2016 The Grotesque Pursue of Goodness in A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor â€Å"The great advantage of being a Southern writer is that we don’t have to go anywhere to look for manners; bad or good, we’ve got them in abundance. We in the South live in a society that is rich in contradiction, rich in irony, rich in contrast, and particularly rich in its speech†(Flannery O’Connor). Mary Flannery O’Connor was born in 1925 in a Catholic family in the south of the United States, particularly in Savannah (Georgia). Her Catholic inheritance influenced her writing, in such a way that the characters of her stories, which are physically and morally perverted, walk towards a theological revelation that release them from that moral and physical decadence –specially those of the story that is analyzed in this paper, â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find,†where the main characters only discover their goodness when they face death–. But far from going into existentialist digressions, her short stories are depictions of the daily life, where the reader can learn something to apply in his life. Sometimes the stories are inspired in the coarse reading of a newspaper, sometimes they seem to be a hopscotch drawn by a boy, who in his simplicity, hides the concerns of a society that is decadent and lacking in values, according to O’Connor, as stated in the initial quote. Flannery O’Connor was stuck to the past, shy and for most partShow MoreRelated The Whipping=evaluation=1200 W Essay examples1091 Words  | 5 Pageshappening again and whoever the narrator is, he is not surprised or alarmed that this is happening. The last two lines of the stanza describe the mother very well. She is shouting to the neighborhood/ her goodness and his wrongs; (3-4). Its as if she feels that by yelling her sons faults and her goodness, she is trying to justify her own wrongfulness of beating her son. She chose to shout, so that everyone would hear, almost as if she was confessing her sins. She seems to be making a show, a productionRead More The American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby1134 Words  | 5 PagesGatsby as he pursues his love, Mrs. Daisy Buchanan. Through the narrative of the gentle and levelheaded Nick, we learn to love Gatsby and to loathe those who cause his downfall. ? Gatsby turned out all right in the end; it is what preyed Gatsby, what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams that temporarily closed out my interest in the abortive sorrows and short-winded elation?s of men? (Chapter 1, pg.6-7). Yet, through many understated, despicable acts, there is a light of goodness and hope: GatsbyRead MoreThe Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde Essay1434 Words  | 6 PagesDoubleness in gothic literature often explores the duality of humanity. It asks whether there was inherent goodness and evil within a person. In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson engages with the idea of an individual being comprised of two separate entitiesâ€â€a double in one bodyâ€â€the evil Mr. Hyde and the good Dr. Jekyll. This split person of Jekyll and Hyde talks back to the optimistic ideas about humanity, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson. He writes in his address â€Å"TheRead MoreThe American Of The War On Germany1617 Words  | 7 P agesUnited States must consider the sacred and indisputable rules of international law and the universally recognized dictates of humanity, the Government of the United States is at last forced to the conclusion that there is but one course it can pursue.†â€Å"-but [it added] neutrals cannot expect that Germany, forced to fight for her existence, shall, for the sake of neutral interest, restrict the use of an effective weapon if her enemy is permitted to continue to apply at will methods of warfareRead More Bitterness, Weariness and Impotence in Hardys Tess of the dUbervilles2873 Words  | 12 Pagesand he was so godlike in her eyes; and being, though untrained, instinctively refined, her nature cried for his tutelary guidance (p. 178). Indeed, Angels tragic flaw is his hypocrisy, yet Tess doesnt look at all the facts. He was all that goodness could be knew all tht a guide, philosopher, and friend should know. She thought every line in the contour of his person the perfection of masculine beauty, his soul the soul of a saint, his intellect that of a seerÃ… as if she saw something immortalRead More The Basic Elements of Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice4010 Words  | 17 Pageseven though he is envied for his go od looks and wealth. Elizabeth takes a particular disliking to him for his haughty rudeness when he initially says that he is not interested in her at the ball. When she learns that he has advised Bingley not to pursue a relationship with Jane, she is further incensed at the man. It is not surprising, therefore, that when Darcy proposes to Elizabeth, he is turned down, especially since his offer was made in a haughty and condescending manner. ElizabethÂ’s refusal
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Pillow Method Essay Sample free essay sample
Harmonizing to Shakespear â€Å" All the world’s a phase. And average and adult females simply player†However to be a true participant you must see the phase from others perspective. The pillow method is define in the text. Looking out looking in by Ronald Adler andRusell Proctor II. as a method for understanding an issue from several positions instead than with egoistic â€Å"i’m right and you’re incorrect â€Å" attitude. The name of the theory arises from the analogy that a pillow has four sides and a in-between. merely like most issues and jobs. By looking through each side of the job and seeing each issue from each position. one should be able to happen value in another’s position. The pilow method consist of five places. The Disagreement The dissension in inquiry concerns auto pick. My brother argues that athleticss autos are far better than musculus autos because thay are designed for high velocity drive and manoeuvrability whereas I argue that normally athleticss auto have a smaller engine. We will write a custom essay sample on The Pillow Method Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page and better handling. They’re good for curves and crisp bends. A musculus auto is less about the expressions and more about acquiring the occupation done. It’s better for making high velocities at a consecutive line. It besides has a larger and more powerful engine. Rendering the Disagreement Harmonizing to the Pillow MethodI’M RIGHT. YOU’RE WRONG.Since I own a musculus auto ( Dodge charger R/T ) . It was easier for me to explicate to him why I was siding on the side of musculus autos. I was really confident that I was traveling to win this statement and rather frankly I think I did ( self-imposed prophesy ) . The text Looking out Looking in explains in chapter two that â€Å"self-imposed prognostications occur when your ain outlooks influence your behaviour. I besides knew that for me to show my instance decently I had to utilize Identity direction. The text Looking out Looking in defines Identity direction in chapter 2 as â€Å" the communicating strategies that people use to act upon how others view them. One of the biggest differences between a athleticss auto and a musculus auto is the engine. Muscle autos have large. powerful engines ; largely V8s or better that gives them the â€Å"muscle†in their name. Sports auto s. on the other manus. have smaller engines that might still be powerful. but more frequently than non less powerful than that of musculus autos. Muscle autos are associated with bold curves that merely make the autos look like their power is seeking to pouch out of the seams. Sports autos aren’t rather so ruffling. Alternatively. athleticss autos are normally made up of sleek likes that aren’t every bit muscle-like as their powerful opposite numbers. YOU’RE RIGHT. I’M WRONG. Mukailah 3At this point I decided to play the devil’s advocator by seting my ain sentiment to rest and take his point of position by using empathy. In chapter 3 of Looking out Looking in. Empathy is defined as â€Å"the ability to re-create another person’s position. to see the universe from the other’s point of view†. This was really difficult to make because I felt like I was beliing my ego and this made me look weak in his eyes. Nevertheless. I went through with it saying some facts. It took bravery and subject to carry through this. I stated to him that. For the most portion. athleticss autos were made to stand out around the corners. which is non a great topographic point for most musculus autos. Sports autos have been either Spartan or epicurean. but good handling. minimal weight. and high public presentation are obligatory. He stressed to me that Sports autos place the highest accent on the merriment factor. great manoeuvrability. superb handling. good braking. low weight. aeromechanicss. every bit good as acceleration and even though they frequently have smaller engines. they manage to be quick by their low weight and fast. agile managing. I emphasized the expensive care cost every bit good as burn more gas than athletics autos. BOTH RIGHT. BOTHvWRONG Ars frequently accelerate more rapidly than At this Juncture. I was more concerned about the similarities every bit good as the drawbacks of both autos. I started by stating him that. both classs of autos are fast and epicurean. They both have good grip and power potency. I besides impressed upon him that. since both autos are public presentation driven ; they are equipped with the most advanced high public presentation brakes. The public presentation of the interruptions about ever is better than those of other typical vehicles. We both agreed on this po int since public presentation autos are critiqued based on their ability to halt under peculiar sum of clip and distance it takes for it to halt. On the other manus. I started turn toing the common drawbacks. They both inherently require more care than their opposite numbers and besides due to the bigger engine size in both modern musculus and athleticss autos they consume/ burn gas faster. He stress understanding to both points without vacillation. I concluded this portion saying that both category of rich person could potentially pull high insurance premium and parts could be difficult to come by particularly since most of them are foreign autos. IT ISN’T IMPORTANT WHICH POSITION IS RIGHT OR WRONG This place was the easiest portion of the procedure because at this point we both knew and agreed on the common similarities and drawbacks of both classs of autos. I stressed the fact that our dissension was non that importance since most people can’t even acknowledge the difference between a athleticss and a musculus auto because they have so much in common. He so said that we could hold talked about more of import things such as investing chances. I giggle and said to him good. you know. that is what we were discoursing and for some ground we ended up reasoning about autos. At this point. I knew I was successful with the application of the pillow method. THERE IS TRUTH IN ALL FOUR PERSPECTIVES Normally when I’m involved in an statement with a individual. I tend to be angry with them when they refuse to understand or see things from my position and this in bend thrusts me to reciprocate the gesture. We automatically stumbled into this stage of the pillow method as a consequence of successful completion of stage 4. We both realized that our relationship as household is genuinely of import and to keep positiveness and regard for each other was overriding. We both recognized that each position had truth and virtues. which led to less concern for single ideas and shifted focal point to collective apprehension and via medias. At the terminal of the exercising. I told my brother O give me feedback on the statement that we had and he said. he felt that I handled it better than I usually do. I so professed to him that I was practising the pillow method on him. We both agreed on how this method gave us new penetration every bit good as develop empathy towards another person’s state of affairs. This method is a great manner to heighten effectual communicating. Work Cited 1. Ronald B. Adler and Russell F. Proctor II. Looking out Looking in 13th Edition. 2011 2. John Hartley. fast-autos. com. 2012. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. fast-autos. com 3. Benjamin. Hunting. Muscle auto or athleticss auto. 2011. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. autobytel. com/sports-cars/car-buying-guides/muscle-car-or-sports-car-8-exceptional-automobiles-that-blur-the-line-103920/
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Compare and Contrast Validity Essay Example
Compare and Contrast Validity Essay Compare and Contrast Validity Validity refers to the extent at which a study is able measure what it is intended to measure. The titles of the two articles, â€Å"Health: Why stress may be good for you†and â€Å"Exploring Stress and Coping among Urban African American Adolescents: The Shifting the Lens Study†are designed to catch the attention of the reader (Carmichael, 2009). The first article is from a popular resource, Newsweek while the second one is a peer-reviewed article from a public health research. By convincing the target reader that they should read the article, both statements show validity. However, the title of the peer-reviewed article main objective is to acquire the reader’s attention on its usefulness, rather than being interesting. The popular resource article immediately catches the reader’s attention. The article talks of stress and its advantages. Both titles keep the reader enticed. We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast Validity specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast Validity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast Validity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Conclusion There are three measures of stress. They include novel, the unpredictability of an event or situation, lack of control in a person and for a situation. Both peer reviewed articles and popular resources describe stress as the feeling that a person gets when they are overwhelmed or have to deal with rare extremes. When a person is under stress, the body gives a response similar to one it would give when a person is in danger. Hormones that speed up the rate at which the heart pumps blood, are released by the body. In these, a person breathes in a faster rate than normally, hence increasing the amount of energy in the person. This is known as the fight response of stress.
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